Mathematics Education

International Directory


The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in Denmark.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to: It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.

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Christiansen, Iben,, Department of Mathematics; Institute for Electronic Systems; Aalborg University; Fredrik Bajersvej 7,E; DK-9220 Aalborg O/; Denmark; Tel: (+45) 98 15 85 22 ext 5028; Telex: 69790 aub dk; Telefax: (+45) 98 15 81 29;

Lindenskov, Lena,; Research Unit of Mathematics Education, Department of Curriculum Research, The Danish University of Education; Emdrupvej 101;  DK-2400 Copenhagen NV; DENMARK; Tel: +45 8888 9000, ext. 9686; Fax: +45 8888 9701

Michelsen, Claus,, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; Odense University; Campusvej 55; DK-5230 Odense M; DENMARK; Tel. (+45) 6557 2307;  Fax (+45) 6593 2691

Niss, Mogens,, IMFUFA; Roskilde University; P.O. Box 260; DK-4000 Roskilde; DENMARK; Tel: +45 46757711 ext. 2266; Fax: +45 46755065

Skovsmose, Ole,, Institute for Learning; Aalborg University; Langagervej 8; DK-9220 Aalborg East; Denmark; Tel: +45 9635 9781

Tarp, Allan,, Royal Danish School of Educational Studies: Department of Mathematics; 115B Emdrupvej; DK-2400 Copenhagen NV; Denmark; Tel:  +45 396 96633; Fax +45 39696626

Torben, Teimer,, Koege Business College; Lyngvej 19; DK 4600 Koege; Denmark; Tel: +45 56 67 04 00; Fax +45 56 63 00 18

Paola Valero,, DCN; Aalborg University; 9220 Aalborg East; Denmark; Tel. +45 96359782; Fax +45 98156542

Wedege, Tine,, IMFUFA; Roskilde University; Postbox 260; 4000 Roskilde; Denmark; Tel.(+45) 4674 2000  direct line  2046;  fax.(+45) 4674 3020