Mathematics Education

International Directory


The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in Israel.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to: It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.

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Albert, Jeanne,, Department of Science Teachers; Weizmann Institute of Science; Rehovot, 76100; Israel; Tel:   ; Fax:

Apel, Tamar,, CIMEH, Institute of Mathematics with a Humanistic Approach; P.O.B. 319 Biniamina,; 30500; Israel; Telefax. 972-4-6380210

Ben-Zvi, Dani,, Weizmann Institute of Science; Science Teaching Department; P. O. Box 26; Rehovot; 76100; Israel; Tel 972 8 9342 816; Fax 972 8 9344 174.

Chissick, Naomi,, Ort Colleges & Schools for Advanced Technologies & Sciences; P.O.Box 25203, Tel-Aviv 61251, Israel; Tel: 972 3 6301357; Fax: 972 36301366

Dreyfus, Tommy,, Center for Technological Education; P. O. Box 305; HOLON 58102; Israel; Tel: ++972 3 502 6602; Fax: ++972 3 502 6550

Froim, Margaret, ,Talpiot College of Education; Tel Aviv and National Centre of Teaching Mathematics; School of Education; University of Haifa ,Israel; Tel: 972 3 5038776

Linchevski, Liora,, School of Education; Hebrew University; Mount Scoups; jerusalem; 91905; israel; Tel: 972 2 881199; Fax: 972 2 617673

Sfard, Anna,, School of Education; University of Haifa; Haifa 31905; Israel; Tel: 972-4-8240042; Fax: 972-4-8240911

van Dormolen, Joop,, Rehov Harofeh 48 Aleph; 34367 Haifa; Israel; Tel: +972 4 8246239; Fax: +972 4 8258071

Ben-Zvi, Dani,, Weizmann Institute of Science; Science Teaching Department; P. O. Box 26; Rehovot; 76100; Israel; Tel 972 8 9342 816; Fax 972 8 9344 174.