Mathematics Education

International Directory


The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in Malta.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to: It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.

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Axiak, Cettina,, Department of Mathematics, Science & Technical Education; Faculty of Education; University of Malta; Msida MSD 06; Malta; Tel: (356) 329 02966

Bezzina, Leonard,, Department of Mathematics Science & Technical Education; Faculty of Education; University of Malta; Msida MSD 06; Malta; Tel: (356) 329 02954

Buhagiar, Michael,, Department of Mathematics; Junior College; University of Malta; Msida MSD 10; Malta; Tel: (356) 224 271 Ext 231

Farrugia, Marie Therese,, Department of Primary Education; Faculty of Education; University of Malta; Msida MSD 06; Malta; Tel: (356) 329 02933

Scerri, Mauro,, Department of Mathematics; Junior College; University of Malta; Msida MSD 10; Malta. Tel: 356 224271 Ext 231