<title>Mathematics Education Directory</title>
<h3>Mathematics Education</h3>
<h1>International Directory</h1>
The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in Mozambique.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to:
<a href=mailto:peter.gates@nottingham.ac.uk>peter.gates@nottingham.ac.uk</a>

It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.
Back to the <a href=http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/csme/directory/main.html>full list</a>

Draisma, Jan, <a href=mailto: j-f.draisma@teledata.mz> j-f.draisma@teledata.mz,
<p>Gerdes, Paulus, <a href=mailto:pgerdes@coe.uga.edu>pgerdes@coe.uga.edu</a>, (Mozambique email: <a href=mailto:paulus@up.uem.mz>paulus@up.uem.mz</a>); Universidade Pedagogica; C.P. 915; Maputo; Mozambique; On sabbatical leave during 1996/1997 to: The University of Georgia; 105 Aderhold Hall; Athens; Georgia 30602-7124; USA; Tel: (706) 542-4045; Fax: (706) 542-4551

<p>Ismael, Abdulcarimo, <a href=mailto:ismael@fcnmup.uem.mz>ismael@fcnmup.uem.mz</a>, Departamento de Matematica; Universidade Pedagogica; C.P. 3276; Maputo, Mozambique.

Cassy,  Bhangy, bhangy@nambu.uem,Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Department of  Mathematics & Informatics; C.P.: 3637,; Maputo; Mozambique;Tel: Fax: + 258 - 1 - 485 312.
