Mathematics Education

International Directory


The following international directory consists of individuals currently working in mathematics education in Sweden.

Any comments, additions, deletions or alterations should be posted to: or setn to Peter Gates, Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education, Nottingham University, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1BB. Last updated 7 Jan 2003.  It should be possible to download this directory as a CSV file onto a spreadsheet/database.

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Bergsten, Christer,, Department of Mathematics; Linköping University; S-58183 Linköping; Sweden; Tel: +46 132 82984; Fax: +46 132 85760;

Emanuelsson, Jonas,, Department of Education; Gothenburg University; Box 300; SE- 405 30 Göteborg; Sweden; Tel: +46 31 773 2265

Engstrom, Arne,, Department of Education; Orebro University; SE-701 82 OREBRO; Sweden; Tel:  +46 19 30 38 58; Fax:   +46 19 30 32 59

Johansson, Bengt, Bengt,, Goteborg University; National Center for Mathematics Education; NCM; Vera Sandbergs allé 5 A; S-412 96 Göteborg; Sweden; Tel:+46 31 7732287; Fax: +46 31 7732200;

Lindberg, Lisbeth,, Göteborg University Teachers College; Department of Mathematics Education; Box 1010; S-431 26 Mölndal; Sweden; Tel (+46) 31 773 2256; Fax (+46) 31 773 2281

Lingefjard, Thomas,, Gothenburg University; Teachers' College; Department of Mathematics Education; Box 1010; S-431 26 Molndal; Sweden; Tel: (+46) 31 773 22 53/55; Fax: (+46) 31 773 22 81;

Lithner, Johan,, Umeaa University; Department of Mathematics; S-90187 Umeaa; Sweden; Tel: +46 90 16 6908; Fax: +46 90 16 5222

Peterson, Ulf,, The Institute for an Individually Adapted School; Mathematics Education; Hagforsgatan 65; S-416 75 Gothenburg; Sweden; Tel: (+46) 31 25 47 60; Fax: (+46) 31 707 31 33