CSPSCentre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies

Engagement with secondary education institutions

Although many of CSPS's current projects are developing engagement at primary or adult levels,the team have also been involved with several projects on secondary education engagement.

These projects have taken place in both the UK and in Australia.  CSPS works closely with colleagues from the UoN Widening Participation and Outreach team and IntoUniversity to deliver the Nottingham-based activities. 

If your school is interested in getting involved in our projects, email Dr Chrysanthi Gallou.

Public engagement_shield
Jean Jacques François Lebarbier, A Spartan Woman Giving a Shield to Her Son (1805, oil on panel)

Previous projects

2019: History Teachers Association of New South Wales podcasts

During his visit to Sydney, Australia, in summer 2019 Professor Emeritus Stephen Hodkinson was interviewed for the History Teachers Association of New South Wales.  

  • In the first episode, Professor Hodkinson addresses key themes of Spartan history, including the ‘Spartan mirage’ and Spartan society.  
  • The second episode explores Professor Hodkinson’s broader view on Sparta and contemporary appropriations of Spartan history.   


2017: London Association of Classical Teachers (OCR A-Level) 

In 2017 Professors Stephen Hodkinson and Bill Cavanagh acted as consultants to the London Association of Classical Teachers in their publication of the first-ever full-scale English-language sourcebook, M.G. L. Cooley (ed.) Sparta, LACTOR 21 (2017), aimed at the OCR Ancient History A-level ‘Depth Study’, The Politics and Society of Sparta478-404 BC. In the volume Hodkinson and Cavanagh also wrote short introductions, respectively, to the epigraphy and archaeology of Lakonia and Messenia.


2015: New South Wales, Higher Stage Certificate

In March 2015 Professor Stephen Hodkinson published an invited article about new approaches to Sparta for teachers and students of the Spartan Society option in the New South Wales, Higher Stage Certificate: 'Transforming Sparta: New Approaches to the Study of Classical Sparta', Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 41-44 (2011-14) [published 2015] pp. 1-42.


Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 4800
fax: +44 (0)115 951 4811
email: csps@nottingham.ac.uk