
The University of Nottingham is committed to fostering an environment that values and respects all members of the university community. We expect everyone to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the values of inclusivity, fairness and respect.

The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) Discipline is to provide a framework for addressing behaviour that is not in line with these values.

The code applies to all students, including those on taught and research courses, undergraduates, postgraduates and apprentices.

All students are responsible for making themselves familiar with the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) and all policies and regulations linked to it.

Report + Support

The University of Nottingham does not tolerate bullying, harassment, victimisation, hate or sexual misconduct. If you, or someone you know, has experienced or witnessed an incident like this, you can tell us anonymously or ask to speak to an advisor through our Report + Support system.

By making a report through the system you are not making an official report or complaint to the university, but if what you have told us raises serious safety concerns about you or others, we may need to take action even if you haven't asked us to.

Report + Support


Standards of behaviour

Expected standards of behaviour                                                                                                                                                             

There are a range of ways that you can positively contribute to the University of Nottingham being a safe and inclusive environment, including:

These expectations include:

  • understanding what behaviour is and isn’t acceptable at the University and being a role model and ally for others
  • understanding the potential impact your behaviour could have on others in the University community
  • upholding the values of the University in acting inclusively; being respectful and fair; nurturing positive relationships with others and treating people with dignity and consideration. 
Unacceptable behaviour                                                                                                                                                                                   

The Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) sets out the disciplinary process that may be undertaken when concerns arise about a student’s behaviour, that potentially breaches the code.

There are some examples of unacceptable behaviours below, but this is not an exhaustive list, and the university is able to initiate disciplinary procedures in a range of circumstances:

  • The use of physical violence, force or power, whether this is threatened or actual, against someone else
  • Sexual misconduct, which includes any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature, that hasn’t been consented to (or there is no reasonable belief in consent being provided)
  • Abusive or offensive behaviour, including harassment, bullying and victimisation
  • Supply, use, possession or cultivation of any illegal substances
  • Committing a criminal offence that affects other members of the University community, damages property or the university’s reputation
  • Misuse, or unauthorised use of university premises, equipment or property
  • Disruption, improper interference or obstruction to university activities, functions and duties
  • Possession, misuse or discharge of a weapon outside of approved places
  • Breaching a university regulation, procedure or policy, or failing to comply with a penalty
  • Coercive behaviour including hazing / initiation activities
Disciplinary action and potential sanctions for breaching the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic)                                          

When taking disciplinary action, the university will consider if immediate action to safeguard staff, students or others is required. These are called precautionary measures and will be based on the identification of any risks.

Where there is potential serious misconduct, a formal investigation will be undertaken, and the information may be presented to a Student Misconduct Panel. 

If a student has found to have breached the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic), there are a range of penalties that may be imposed, including:

  • Placing conditions such as limiting access to specific activities or parts of the university
  • Paying compensation for damage caused
  • Fines
  • A formal warning
  • Suspension from the university
  • Expulsion from the university