

We are committed to embedding a proactive and university-wide approach to mental health and wellbeing. Our Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been co-created with staff, students, the Students' Union and other partners to ensure that support is inclusive, evidence-based and tailored for all students within our community. I

It is recognised that one in three students will experience poor mental health at some point during their studies. Our strategy has been put in place to inform all university activities and ensure that your mental, physical and social wellbeing is supported throughout every stage of your university journey.

Our vision

To be a university that empowers all students to take care of their own wellbeing and reach their full potential and create a healthy, supportive and inclusive environment that enables them to thrive both at the university and in the wider community.

Our mission

To help the student community by creating a positive culture where wellbeing is embedded throughout every area of student life, by having a cohesive and holistic approach and by providing timely and proactive support which is evidence-based and reflective.


Aims and objectives

A comprehensive list of aims and objectives can be found in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the main themes of which are summarised below.

  1. Once the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is complete, align it with the studentstrategy by creating an overarching statement which demonstrates a clear, consistentpromotion of student and staff wellbeing within the university community.
  2. Ensure senior leadership within the university model promote and support good mental healthand wellbeing, enabling the ongoing development of effective, inclusive and accessiblewellbeing services and initiatives.
  3. Develop robust procedures to ensure wellbeing development is informed by service data,evaluation and research, enabling the identification and sharing of good practice across theuniversity and wider university sector, with particular attention to assessing the equality ofaccess to wellbeing services and information.
  4. Support a whole-university approach by developing a wellbeing assessment toolkit to ensurewellbeing is thoroughly considered and addressed in all university projects and developments.
  5. Promote the university values of respect and inclusivity by ensuring all members of thecommunity are aware of the university Code of Conduct and expectations of behaviour,analysing statistics from Report and Support to help highlight problematic issues arising withinthe university, and identifying pro-active ways to address these issues.
  6. Create a community where students can thrive and develop a sense of belonging throughopportunities created by the university and Students’ Union that enable students to engage in adiverse and inclusive wide range of activities.
  7. Encourage and empower students to positively take care of their mental health and wellbeingby engaging them in creative, inclusive health promotion activities and resources coproducedwith students and the Students’ Union.
  8. Ensure information on wellbeing services is promoted and easily accessible to students andstaff at the university, with access carefully monitored and scrutinised to ensure equality ofaccess. Establish smooth pathways between internal university services and effective andcoordinated relationships with external services, underpinned by clear information sharingagreements.
What we've done
  • We've launched a suite of wellbeing campaigns (eg Wobble Week and Mental Health Awareness Week) to improve our outreach and provide support throughout the entire student journey
  • In collaboration with the Students' Union, we delivered consent workshops to new students during Welcome
  • We advocated for and provided insight to improve the inclusivity within teaching and learning
  • We have provided wellbeing training to the Senior Tutor Network


What we're doing
  • We've introduced UniHub and are regularly collecting your feedback on our services so that we can deliver improvements
  • We continue to improve the promotion of the Report + Support platform, allowing students to report experiences of abuse, harassment and sexual and domestic violence
  • We are collaborating with the Students' Union to improve acess to wellbeing services for protected groups
  • We are improving our processes for collecting and responding to student feedback
  • We continue to produce social media resources to support health and wellbeing
What we plan to do
  • To continue building on our improved relationship with external services (eg NHS) to ensure that student access to these services is improved and student need is understood by the service providers
  • To develop a wellbeing audit tool to integrate wellbeing promotion into university-wide developments

Visit our Wellbeing Guide

We asked University of Nottingham students what wellbeing issues were important to them, and compiled relevant tips and guidance on the many aspects of university life into our Wellbeing Guide.

View the guide
