Deep Seq: Next Generation Sequencing Facility

Welcome to Deep Seq

The sequencing facility offers research scientists access to state of the art high-throughput sequencing technology.

Our experienced team of dedicated experimental scientists and bioinformaticians will work with you from the conception of your sequencing experiment to the final analysis of your data. As well as running standard sequencing projects such as RNASeq and Resequencing we provide bespoke analyses and enjoy the challenges of developing new and emerging techniques and pipelines.

Contact us to discuss your sequencing project and arrange a quote.

Alternatively please fill in the relevant form to provide and much detail as possible for the quote or grant application quote.

Please allow 2 working weeks for DeepSeq to provide written quotes.

Sequencing Platforms

Deep Seq currently house the Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq500 sequencing platforms for low and medium throughput, which can supply single or paired reads from 75 to 600 cycles.

DeepSeq also run the Oxford NanoPore Technologies GridION and PromethION platforms and support staff running MinIONs. Deep Seq has also helped to develop software tools for MinION data analysis.

DeepSeq is also the UK sole supplier for the Bionano Saphyr, an optical mapping platform which can aid de novo assemblies and resolve complex structural variations. 

For larger projects Deep Seq can outsource to high throughput sequencing suppliers and can still offer support for those projects with experimental design, library prep and bioinformatics as required.


                      Element Biosciences AVITI
Mid throughput sequencer with up to 300bp PE read length
The Illumina MiSeq used by Deep Seq with up to 300 base pair paired-end read length
                                   Illumina    MiSeq
Low throughput sequencer up to 300bp paired-end read length


Oxford NanoPore Technologies MinION 
MinIONs for long read and real-time selective sequencing



Oxford Nanopore Technologies PromethION
For high throughput long read sequencing


User Accessible Equipment TapeStation and Bioanalyser
Agilent TapeStation and Bioanalyser for sample QC


User Accessible Equipment BluePippin
Sage Science BluePippin for sample size selection



Oxford Nanopore Technologies GridION
Runs up to 5 MinIONs and basecalls data


                10x Genomics      Chromium 
Single cell, linked-read, immune profiling library preps


                  Bionano Genomics    Saphyr II
Optical mapping for de novo assemblies and SV detection





             TTPLabtech Mosquito Hv  
Liquid handling robotics for low volume pipetting


DeepSeq also houses the Sanger DNA Sequencing Lab run by Matt Carlile who has over 10 years experience in sanger sequencing techniques.


For general Next Generation Sequencing enquiries or quotes please contact :

For general Sanger Sequencing enquiries and prices please contact : or if unavailable please contact Deep Seq.




                      New Long Read Plasmid        Sequencing

Rapid long read whole genome plasmid analysis with Epi2Me workflows. Including adaptive sampling and Ultra-Long reads. Email us for more details.





Please look again for future events




Deep Seq

Centre for Genetics and Genomics
The University of Nottingham
Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0363