University of Nottingham

Be ambitious in EDI: Test drive the Maturity Matrix

Online by registration on Eventbrite
Thursday 11th March 2021 (13:00-15:00)
EDI Co-ordinators
Registration URL

An interactive workshop: come prepared to explore an area of your work from an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) perspective and leave with fresh ideas for development.  

Across the University, we see high levels of energy and motivation for EDI. Every School, Faculty and service within the University will have a different profile of EDI priorities, excellence, and areas for development.   

The EDI Strategic Delivery Plan asks us all to make progress on EDI issues, but first we need to establish our starting point. It can be hard to map out the full local picture; to decide which areas to concentrate on first, and how to access the right information, support and resources to achieve change. This is where the EDI Maturity Matrix comes in.  

The EDI Maturity Matrix is about culture; the experiential feel and visibility of EDI in all that we do.   

Come along to this session to test drive the EDI Maturity Matrix enabling you to identify areas for EDI growth, resources to support you to implement change and ultimately fuel your ambition in EDI. 

University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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