University of Nottingham

#WorldAgainstRacism - Rally & Day of Action for UN Anti-Racism Day

Saturday 20th March 2021 (13:00-19:00)
Registration URL
Fighting Racism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism & Fascism - Organised by Stand Up To Racism & The TUC.

About this Event

1PM: #TakeTheKnee wherever you are

1-2PM: Live link with actions around the world

5PM: Major Online Rally

Register for Zoom link & further details

On March 20, 2021, UN Anti-Racism Day, events will take place in cities, communities and online events around the world.

In Britain, people will be taking the knee across the country at 1PM, with a live link-up to events taking place around the world between 1-2PM.

A national online rally will take place at 5PM with speakers representing the broad alliance of communities and organisations that make up the anti-racist movement in Britain and around the world.

The growth of the Black Lives Matter movement has shone a fresh spotlight on the horrific levels of racism in Britain, the US and internationally, and played a major role in the defeat of Donald Trump, the world's number one racist. This growing, powerful force has the potential to strike serious blows against racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.

Structural racism & health inequalities mean the coronavirus epidemic is continuing to disproportionately impact BAME communities. The British Government is attacking and vilifying refugees and migrants to distract from its failings. It is also attempting to blame Muslim and other communities for spreading the virus, further fanning the flames of racism and putting even more lives in danger.

On March 20 2021 we will come together united against racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and fascism. We'll stand in solidarity with refugees and migrants to send a powerful message to those in power that racism will be defeated.

University of Nottingham

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