BOUGHEAS, S., HARVEY, D., KIRMAN, A. and NELSON, D., 2024. Systemic Risk in Banking, Fire Sales, and Macroeconomic Disasters Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. (In Press.)
BOUGHEAS, S., COMMENDATORE, P., GARDINI, L. and KUBIN, I., 2023. Dynamic Investigations of an Endogenous Business Cycle Model with Heterogeneous Agents Computational Economics: Special Issue - Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems. (In Press.)
BOUGHEAS, S, 2022. Contagion in Networks: Stability and Efficiency Mathematical Social Sciences. 115, 64-77
AMISSAH, E, BOUGHEAS, S, DEFEVER, F and FALVEY, R, 2021. Financial System Architecture and the Patterns of International Trade European Economic Review. 136, 103751 BOUGHEAS, S and WANG, T, 2021. A Theory of Outside Equity: Financing Multiple Projects Journal of Corporate Finance. 69, 102025 BOUGHEAS, S and WORRALL, T, 2019. Portfolio Sales and Signaling Journal of Banking and Finance. 99, 182-191 BOUGHEAS, S and KIRMAN, A, 2018. Systemic Risk and the Optimal Seniority Structure of Banking Liabilities International Journal of Finance and Economics. 23, 47-54 BOUGHEAS, S, LIM, H, MATEUT, S, MIZEN, P and YALCIN, C, 2018. Foreign Currency Borrowing, Exports and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Currency Crisis European Journal of Finance. 24(17), PP. 1649-1671 BOUGHEAS, S and FALVEY, R, 2017. Entrepreneurial Migration in an Integrated World Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 120, 1171-1201 BOUGHEAS, S and RIEZMAN, R, 2017. Product and labor market entry costs, underemployment and international trade. In: CHRISTENSEN, B and KOWALSZYK, C, eds., Globalization: Strategies and Effects Springer. 19-45
BOUGHEAS, S, HARVEY, D and KIRMAN, A, 2017. Systemic Risk and Macroeconomic Fat Tails. In: COMMENDATORE, P, KUBIN, I, BOUGHEAS, S, KIRMAN, A, KOPEL, M and BISCHI, G, eds., The Economy as a Complex Spatial System: Micro, Meso and Macro Perspectives Springer. 119-136
ARJOON, V, BOUGHEAS, S and MILNER, C, 2016. Lead-lag relationships in an embryonic stock market: Exploring the role of institutional ownership and liquidity Reserach in International Business and Finance. 38, 262-276
BOUGHEAS, S and KIRMAN, A, 2016. Bank Insolvencies, Priority Claims and Systemic Risk. In: COMMENDATORE, P, MATILLA-GARCIA, M, VARELA, L and CANOVAS, J, eds., Complex Networks and Dynamics: Social Economic Interactions Springer. 195-208 BOUGHEAS, S and KIRMAN, A, 2015. Complex Financial Networks and Systemic Risk: A Review. In: PASQUALE COMMENDATORE, SAIME KAYAM and INGRID KUBIN, eds., Complexity and Geographical Economics: Topics and Tools Springer.
BOUGHEAS, S, NIEBOER, J and SEFTON, M, 2015. Risk Taking and Information Aggregation in Groups Journal of Economic Psychology. 51, 34-47 BOUGHEAS, S., 2014. Pooling, tranching and credit expansion Oxford Economic Papers. 62, 557-579 BOUGHEAS, S., NIEBOER, J. and SEFTON, M., 2013. Risk-taking in social settings: group and peer effects Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 92(n/a), 273-283 BOUGHEAS, S. and UPWARD, R., 2013. Endogenous Participation in Imperfect Labor and Capital Markets Economics Bulletin. 33, 2454-2464
BOUGHEAS, S. and WORRALL, T., 2012. Cost padding in regulated monopolies International Journal of Industrial Organization. 30(4), 331-341 BOUGHEAS, S. and NELSON, D., 2012. Skill worker migration and trade: Inequality and Welfare. World Economy. 35, 197-215 BOUGHEAS, S., DASGUPTA, I. and MORRISSEY, O., 2011. Repayment versus investment conditions and exclusivity in lending contracts Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 167(2), 247-265 BOUGHEAS, S., KNELLER, R. and RIEZMAN, R., 2011. Optimal Education Policies and Comparative Advantage Pacific Economic Review. 16, 538-552 AMISSAH, E., BOUGHEAS, S. and FALVEY, R., 2011. Financial Constraints, the Distribution of Wealth and International Trade World Economy. 34, 707-724 (In Press.)
BOUGHEAS, S. and FALVEY, R., 2009. The Impact of Financial Market Imperfections on Trade and Capital Flows Econoquantum. 6, 91-110
BOUGHEAS, S. and RUIZ-PORRAS, A., 2008. Administración de los Apuros Financieros Bancarios: Dilema entre la Liquidez y los Riesgos de la Solvencia El Trimestre Económico. 75, 215-233
BLEANEY, M., BOUGHEAS, S. and SKAMNELOS, I., 2008. A model of the interactions between banking crises and currency crises Journal of International Money and Finance. 27(5), 695-706 DASGUPTA, I., BOUGHEAS, S. and MORRISSEY, O., 2007. Tough love or unconditional charity? Oxford Economic Papers. 59(4), 561-582 BOUGHEAS, S. and RIEZMAN, R., 2007. Trade and the distribution of human capital Journal of International Economics. 73(2), 421-433 MATEUT, S., BOUGHEAS, S. and MIZEN, P., 2006. Trade credit, bank lending and monetary policy transmission European Economic Review. 50(3), 603-629 BOUGHEAS, S. and THANANITTAYAUDOM, S., 2006. Financial Predation by the ‘Weak’ International Journal of Business and Economics. 5, 231-244
YALCIN, C., BOUGHEAS, S. and MIZEN, P., 2004. The Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Response to Monetary Policy Actions Central Bank Review. 4, 1-29
BOUGHEAS, S., 2004. Internal vs External Financing of R&D Small Business Economics. VOL 22(NUMBER 1), 11-17 BOUGHEAS, S. and GEORGELLIS, Y., 2004. German apprenticeship training, earning profiles and labor turnover: Theory and empirical evidence Labour. 18, 233-263
BOUGHEAS, S., DEMETRIADES, P. and MORGENROTH, E., 2003. International aspects of public infrastructure investment Canadian Journal of Economics. 36(4), 884-910 BOUGHEAS, S., GEORG, H. and STROBL, E., 2003. Is R&D financially constrained? Theory and evidence from Irish manufacturing firms. Review of Industrial Organization. 22, 159-174
ADNETT, N., BOUGHEAS, S. and DAVIES, P., 2002. Market-based reforms of public schooling: some unpleasant dynamics Economics of Education Review. VOL 21(NUMBER 4), 323-330 BOUGHEAS, S., 2002. Optimism, education and industrial development Research in Economics. VOL 56(PART 2), 199-214 BOUGHEAS, S., DEMETRIADES, P. O. and MAMUNEAS, T. P., 2000. Infrastructure, specialization, and economic growth Canadian Journal of Economics. VOL 33(PART 2), 506-522 BOUGHEAS, S. and GEORGELLIS, Y., 1999. The effect of divorce costs on marriage formation and dissolution Journal of Population Economics. VOL 12(NUMBER 3), 489-498 BOUGHEAS, S., DEMETRIADES, P. O. and MORGENROTH, E. L., 1999. Infrastructure, transport costs and trade Journal of International Economics. VOL 47(ISSUE 1), 169-189 BOUGHEAS, S., 1999. Contagious Bank Runs International Review of Economics and Finance. 8, 133-146
BOUGHEAS, S., 1998. Long-term Financial Contracts and Technological Choice Bulletin of Economic Research. VOL 50(NUMBER 1), 61-72