Robert-Jan Smits
Director, Structuring the ERA, European Commission DG Research

John Wood
Chief Executive, CCLRC, UK

Europe's centuries-old tradition of excellence in all fields of science and technology has always been fostered by state-of-the-art support to its scientists.
Whether National facilities or Intergovernmental Research Organisations, localised in strategic positions both within and outside Europe, these Research Infrastructures are at the forefront of technology. To push forward the boundaries of knowledge, to provide new products or new medicines, such Infrastructures continuously renew and upgrade themselves, and new ones are continuously planned, a process in itself generating new knowledge, new technology with a very real impact on everyday life of the European citizens.
The Commission and the Member States however are not resting on their laurels. To meet the needs of its scientific community, to keep Europe at the forefront of science and technology, to build and increase capacity in Europe, action is needed.
The Third European Conference on Research Infrastructures is one of many steps in this direction
In both plenary and parallel sessions themes of relevance to research infrastructures in all fields of science are addressed, like the challenges posed to both policy makers and the scientific community by the increasing need for new research infrastructures at international (global) level, or the important aspect of capacity building in Europe. During the two days of the conference it will thus be possible to discuss issues of particular importance to users in fields going from physics, engineering and space sciences to environmental sciences, medical sciences, and socio-economic sciences.
We hope that your participation in the Conference will bring a significant and constructive contribution to the debate on the future of research infrastructures in Europe.




Chair: Professor Sir Colin Campbell
Vice Chancellor of the University of Nottingham

Sir Keith O'Nions
Director General of the UK Research Councils, representing the UK Presidency of the EU




Commissioner Janez Potocnik
EU Commissioner for Science and Research
View Speech
pdf (left click to view / right click to download)
Mr Jerzy Buzek,
Member of the European Parliament, Member of Committee for Industry, Research and Energy
View Presentation
pdf (397KB) (left click to view / right click to download)