Women Secondary Headteachers - Pass it On

Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus
Saturday 14th October 2017 (09:30-15:30)
Please register attendance

Join us in Nottingham for a #WomenEd East Midlands event for serving and aspiring women leaders in all phases and sectors of education from Early Years to Higher Education. Our speakers and workshop leaders come from primary, secondary, further, higher and special education.

A series of workshops will be available on the themes:

  • Collaborative leadership
  • Intersectionality and leadership
  • Leading change
  • Networks and networking
  • Reflective leadership

This event is supported by the ESRC funded University of Nottingham Women Secondary Headteachers – Pass it on project (2016-18) led by Dr Kay Fuller. It is free of charge.

Keynote speakers

  • Angela O’Brien, National leader of Education, Director of Primary Education and Executive Principal of The Spencer Academies Trust
  • Annemarie Williams, Director of Odyssey Educational Trust, Executive Headteacher Humberstone Academy, regional leader of #WomenEd East Midlands
  • Dr Kay Fuller, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Nottingham

Themed workshops led by:

  • Amanda Pearce-Burton
  • Anita Devi
  • Charmagne Barnes
  • Charmaine Roche
  • Claudette Bailey-Morrissey
  • Emily Dalton
  • Hannah Wilson
  • Jenny Dutton
  • Paula Baines-Chambers
  • Ruth Farrall
  • Sarah Heesom
  • Stacy Johnson
  • Stacey Adams


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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