School of Education

Express Yourself: Autistic adolescents sharing ideas about anxiety and navigating an ever changing world

Lakeside Arts Centre, University Park Nottingham NG7 2RJ
Saturday 2nd November 2019 (13:00-16:00)

A parent/carer must register an adolescent for this event and we will require some personal information to ensure we cover all individual requirements. You will also be asked to book places for the friends and family showcase on 8 November.

When registering for this event, we will collect personal data from you. This information will not be passed outside of the University of Nottingham. Please read our privacy information for more detail about how we use data.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact the School of Education events team


Academic Lead: Dr Debra Costley

There are two parts to this event: one to learn from the young people and for them to take part in a range of arts based activities; and the second for them to share their experience with friends and family in a celebration. The Arts need champions to help us to understand and support diversity. If you think you could be one of those champions this could be the event for you.

Saturday 2 November, 1-3pm
Adolescent Workshop part 1, Lakeside Arts Centre

This is a chance for autistic adolescents to come together to be heard and to hear each other, to demonstrate that their experience is valid and valuable and that they are able to contribute to the development of research and thinking about education. They will be able to express themselves in any way they feel comfortable; taking part in a discussion or just listening to others; using their skills and interests to demonstrate what education means to them; and sharing strategies for coping in mainstream school or thriving out of full time school.

The first part of the event will be an opportunity for young autistic people to meet each other over lunch and to discuss any issues that they think could help to educate artists and teachers about ways of working with divergent learners.

Parents are welcome to drop off young people and stay with them until they are settled and then to take the opportunity to explore the Arts Centre, Café, or surrounding areas.

Sunday 3 November, 1pm-4pm
Adolescent Workshop part 2, Lakeside Arts Centre

In the second part of this event there will be the opportunity to look at their ideas; to share thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a variety of ways, to identify key strategies and coping mechanisms that can assist them in day to day life, but using the arts as a particular medium to support the development of those strategies. This work will be guided by artists across different art-forms with different skills. This will be a fun and safe environment to try new ideas and to help artists and professional’s think about different ways of working with young people that can have a positive impact.

Lunch will be provided on both days.

Young people need to be able to attend both parts of the workshop.


Dwayne-Anthony Simms
Dwayne-Antony is a dancer and choreographer, who creates solo and collaborative movement based performance. His two solo works, "PlanB" and "L.Law" (ACE funded), explored autobiographical themes. He has collaborated on various contemporary dance projects, including the production of his latest work OUT in collaboration with Rachel Young in 2017. 

The artists featured in the [8:tension] Young Choreographers’ Series are nominated for the Casinos Austria Prix Jardin d’Europe and the FM4 Fan Award 2017. For the choreography and performance of the show OUT.

Dwayne recently has been collaborating with digital motion capture for the company Universal Everything as they examine and explore topics around AI.

View some of Dwanyne-Anthony's work

Elaine Winter
Elaine Winter is a Nottinghamshire based artist who mixes traditional and experimental printmaking processes with other media.  Her work is based around investigations of how we, as humans, relate to each other with a focus on the uniquely human ability to express empathy. One of her current projects involves participants sharing thoughts for others by post and making visual works based on that process.  She works as an arts educator throughout Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire schools and provided art workshops as part of the Heritage Lottery Funded community arts ‘Printing and the Press’ project in Newark on Trent.  She works as art tutor to two classes at Reach Learning Disability, working with adults with learning disabilities works as part of the team of artists at Nottinghamshire County Council Arts Service and as an Associate Artist at Nottingham Lakeside Arts.

Find out more about Elaine on her website

Friday 8 November: 4pm-6pm
Parents and Friends Showcase Session, Dearing Building Atrium, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham

If the adolescents want to share their work they will be able to invite friends and family to a celebration where they can display or perform their experiences in any way they find comfortable.

Light refreshments will be provided.

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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