The 1918-19 'Flu Pandemic – What Happened in the East Midlands: 1: Prevention and Cure

Online Webinar
Thursday 14th May 2020 (19:00)

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The number of places available is limited to encourage questions and discussion. One we reach the limit for this session, a waiting list will activate. We will add anyone registered and those on the waiting list to our mailing list to contact you about future events in this series. You can request to be removed from this mailing list at any time by emailing us.



A hundred years ago, millions died from ’flu. Hospitals were overcrowded. There was a call for volunteers. Drawing on her Nottingham PhD thesis, Dr Joan Knight will discuss the similarities and differences between responses then and to Covid-19. What can we learn from the comparison? 

Chair and facilitator

Simon McGrath and John Holford


Influenza Pandemic 1918-19

  • History of the 1918 Flu Pandemic
  • The Great Influenza Outbreak 1918-19 (by Joan Knight)
  • Spanish Flu: a warning from history (University of Cambridge video 11 minutes) 
  • 1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary/Swine Flu Pandemic/Deadly Plague of 1918 (Youtube video 40 minutes)

In addition to the news media (newspapers, broadsheet and tabloid/tv/websites) the following are suggested:

TV programmes (all currently available on catch-up tv)

  • Channel 4: News Special ‘Coronavirus: What Next?’ Friday 3 April 8pm and 15 April 9pm 
  • ‘A Day in the Life of Coronavirus’ Monday 6 April 9pm
  • ‘Coronavirus: How Clean is Your House?’ Thursday 9 April 9pm
  • ITV: ‘Coronavirus: Q&A’ 13 April 8pm
  • BBC: ‘The Most at Risk’ 6 April 
  • Horizon Special – ‘Coronavirus:’ 9 April
  • ‘Coronavirus: What you need to know’ 10 April
  • What is the true cost of the coronavirus lockdown? By Paul Dolan
  • ‘Coronavirus: Military to build nine more emergency hospitals in UK’ by Kim Sengupta, Thursday 9 April
  • ‘Coronavirus: Principality Stadium field hospital gathers pace’, 14 April
  • Coronavirus: Nine out of 10 dying have existing illness’ By Nick Triggle, Thursday 16 April
  • ‘Covid-19’ - The Conversation

News articles

  • ‘Military draws up plans to build 17 new coronavirus field hospitals, with nine already cleared’, by Dominic Nichols, The Daily Telegraph, Wednesday 8 April
  • ‘Warning as virus leads to surge in home deaths.’ The Guardian, Thursday 16 April 
  • ‘Danger of working in care homes.’ I newspaper, Thursday 16 April

Adult Education Online

You can view the full Adult Education Online programme. New sessions open up for registrations on a Monday morning. 

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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