School of Education

Leading after lockdown: Phase 2 research findings, policy, practice

Online (Microsoft Teams)
Thursday 9th June 2022 (16:00-17:30)

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A Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management Seminar

This seminar marks the launch of the report from the second phase of an ongoing mixed methods research project that is exploring school leaders’ experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic in England, in particular how this has affected their work, well-being and career plans.

Findings from the first phase of the project were published in November 2021: Leading in Lockdown: research on school leaders’ work, well-being and career intentions.

The second phase of the research was conducted between January and April 2022 and included:

  • a literature review
  • a national survey of teachers and school leaders, carried out by Teacher Tapp
  • interviews with 42 Assistant and Deputy Headteachers in primary and secondary schools
  • analysis of the school leadership labour market, with Professor John Howson

The event will share the findings and hear reflections from policy and practice about the impact of the pandemic on school leadership.


Nick Brook, Deputy General Secretary, National Association of Head Teachers


  • Professor Toby Greany, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Pat Thomson, University of Nottingham
  • Dr Tony Breslin, Director, Breslin Public Policy Limited
  • Plus school leaders, names to be confirmed


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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