School of Education

Seminar: CRME: Designing for 'minds on' science practical work

Wednesday 13th June 2012 (16:30-18:00)
Contact to express your interest in attending.

Angela Hall and Emma Palmer (Nuffield Foundation)

The Nuffield Foundation is working on a project which addresses the need to be more explicit about how teachers can enact a 'minds on' approach to science practical work, identified as a challenge in the ASE/ SCORE report 'Getting Practical'. This is an example of design underpinned by wider science educational research. It has raised design and professional development issues, and challenges the perspective of the scientific process which is dominant in school science. Specifically, this project uses ideas of model-based inquiry, argumentation and raising awareness of what scientists do through curriculum activities. This seminar will provide an opportunity for attendees to see and experience the work in progress, and to discuss the underpinning principles for the design.

Angela Hall, a leading figure in science education, is Director of Science and Mathematics Education at the Nuffield Foundation. She has overall responsibility for the curriculum development work and Science Bursaries for Schools and Colleges. Emma Palmer is Project Head for Science at the Nuffield Foundation, working on Twenty First Century Science, and other projects related to practical work including Practical Biology Practical Chemistry and Practical Physics.

This seminar will take place in Room C45, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 

Refreshments will be available from 4.00 pm

Further information




School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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