School of Education

CRME: Programme design: how can it impact on student experience? The case of mathematics at advanced level.

Thursday 14th April 2011 (16:30-18:00)
Contact or tel: 0115 9514410 to express your interest in attending. 


Geoffrey Wake

University of Nottingham

Curriculum specification of long established programmes of study are often so historically and culturally situated that it is difficult to understand original intentions. However, the recent innovative Use of Mathematics qualification at Advanced Level was designed with the intention of attempting to define more than a curriculum and its assessment. Additionally the programme was designed to have an impact on learner experience by ensuring that students would be involved in solving substantial meaningful problems requiring the application of mathematics and modeling, using technology as a mediating tool throughout. This seminar will present the principles of the programme design and provide an opportunity to consider related aspects of design of assessment and learning materials. Finally, drawing on the ESRC TLRP (Teaching, Learning and Research Programme) funded research project “Keeping open doors to mathematics in Higher Education” findings  the outcomes of the programme in terms of learner experience will be considered and contrasted with those of learners on traditional advanced level courses. The seminar will be structured to maximise opportunities to be involved with the various data sources.

This talk will take place in Room B46,  Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 

See here for further information.

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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