CRME: Another new mathematics curriculum: what difference will it make to schools, teachers and students?

Wednesday 20th February 2013 (14:30-16:30)
Please contact if you wish to attend.

Presented by Lynne McClure, Director of NRICH and member of ACME

The government is approaching the final stages of its National Curriculum reforms with the intention of introducing a new mathematics curriculum for first teaching in September 2014. This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity for those of us who work and teach in mathematics education in the East Midlands to consider key issues that the proposals raise for the key stage 1, 2 and 3 curriculum and to inform a ‘Nottingham response’ to the government’s consultation.

The workshop will be informed by Lynne McClure, Director of NRICH and member of ACME, who has chaired the committee redrafting the new curriculum. Lynne will provide insight by outlining the committee’s design brief and something of the rationale behind their final product.

This will be followed by an opportunity to discuss issues that arise from the proposals. Discussions will be focussed around consultation themes and address the key question, “What difference will the new mathematics curriculum make to schools, teachers and students?”

This seminar will take place in Room C45, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus    

See a complete programme of our Research Seminars




School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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