Presented by Jennie Golding, Institute of Education, London
What are the distinctive practices of departments successful in attracting girls into Advanced maths? What are the whole-school effects of engaging in Advanced Maths support? What are the advantages and drawbacks of teaching AL Maths in early career? And how do beginner teachers assess Advanced Maths problem solving? There is a considerable literature around gendered participation in mathematics, including from this country analyses by Noyes (2009) and from TISME projects (2011-14). These suggest lines of enquiry for the first question, but the others are relatively unexplored. Jennie will describe early findings from a bundle of small exploratory projects that aim to enhance our understanding of participation in, and teaching of, Advanced Mathematics in schools. Follow-up discussion will focus on any one or more of the above questions, depending on interests.
Refreshments will be available.
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