School of Education

Seminar: CRME: Mathematics for all

Wednesday 23rd May 2012 (16:30-18:00)
Contact to express your interest in attending.

Vinay Kathotia (Nuffield Foundation)

In the UK fewer students engage with mathematics post-16 than their peers in OECD and Pacific-rim countries. The Nuffield Foundation would like all students to have a meaningful mathematical experience post-16, a view echoed in the Secretary of State’s ambition that: “ ...within a decade the vast majority of pupils are studying maths right through to the age of 18.” One means of addressing this issue is to provide mathematical courses that complement students’ main courses of study. Another is to look at the mathematics that is present in their courses of study and/or areas of interest. The Nuffield Foundation has been supporting a mix of development and research on both these fronts and the seminar will attempt to give an overview of this work.

Vinay Kathotia is Project Head for Mathematics at the Nuffield Foundation. He works on curriculum projects, and research and development. He is involved with post-16 mathematics, including courses which support mathematics requirements in other subjects, but also works on projects to support mathematics at Key Stages 3 and 4.

This seminar will take place in Room C49, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 

Refreshments will be available from 4.00 pm

Further information










School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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