CRME: Designing and Developing Pedagogical Tools for Teaching Modelling in Science and Maths

Tuesday 26th February 2013 (16:30-18:00)
Please contact if you wish to attend.

Dr Laurence Rogers, University of Leicester School of Education

Since his experience as a teacher of A Level physics Laurence Rogers has long believed that building, adapting and refining mathematical models has great potential in teaching students to understand better the role of mathematics in describing and explaining physical phenomena. From early beginnings with pencil and paper graphs and the first electronic calculators the principles could be established. When computers entered schools the calculating power available transformed the potential for modelling. However, the user interface was problematic, and, to Laurence’s belief, inhibiting of progress as an educational tool. Against this background he has pioneered the development of a graphical user interface which aims to aid understanding as well as providing efficient mathematical functionality.

In this seminar Laurence will discuss the principles which have underpinned his work and will demonstrate his software products which integrate modelling with simulations, virtual experiments, data-logging and, most recently, video analysis.

This seminar will take place in Room A35, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus. Refreshments will be available.


See a complete programme of our Research Seminars

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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