Seminar: CRME: Twenty Five Years of Supporting Mathematics Teaching at a Distance: lessons learned about task design

Wednesday 29th February 2012 (16:30-18:00)
Contact or tel: 0115 9514410 to express your interest in attending.

John Mason, Senior Research Fellow (University of Oxford) and Emeritus Professor (Open University)

Drawing on various courses and other Open University materials, I will try to illustrate the principles and framework-constructs used to design and development of mathematical tasks, and which we offered to teachers using our materials.

This talk will This seminar will take place in Room C41, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 

Refreshments will be available from 4.00 pm

Further information















School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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