A teacher's role in mathematics teacher professional development: how can university colleagues collaborate?

Wednesday 30th October 2013 (16:30-18:00)

To attend, please contact educationresearchstaff@nottingham.ac.uk


Barbara Jaworski - Professor of Mathematics Education at the Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough

Much of my research has involved inquiry into the processes of developing mathematics teaching in school classrooms in collaboration with teachers. In this work, I and my colleagues from a university department have worked with teachers to create an inquiry community in which both groups bring important knowledge and experience and our co-learning results in enhanced knowledge for all. Inquiry is a central concept in which students learn mathematics through inquiry, teachers gain knowledge of mathematics teaching through inquiry and we all inquire into the developmental processes that bring us new knowledge and learning. I see the idea of inquiry community being rooted in Communities of Practice as introduced by Lave and Wenger, and involving an attitude of critical inquiry into the practices in which we engage. I will explain the ideas mentioned above and bring examples from research in which I have participated with teachers.

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