School of Education

CRME: Teaching Numeracy and Literacy in Remote Indigenous Communities: What works

Monday 3rd October 2011 (13:15-14:15)
Contact or tel: 0115 8468405 to express your interest in attending.


Professor Robyn Jorgensen
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

Drawing from three large projects where I have worked in remote Indigenous communities in Australia, this presentation tracks the significant shifts in my thinking about the possibilities for successful pedagogies in remote Australia. All of the sites had English as a foreign language - that is, the Indigenous people spoke their own languages but the medium of instruction was Standard Australian English (SAE).  Approximately 26 different schools across the two of the largest states in Australia form the basis of this presentation.  I draw on data from schools, and my personal experience of 12 months in the field, and use Bourdieu's analogy of a game to understand how pedagogies need to be developed to enhance greater access to, and success in, schools for the most disadvantaged groups in Australia.

This talk will take place in Room B33, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 






School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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