School of Education

CRME: Developing mathematical thinking through "Low threshold - high ceiling" tasks

Thursday 5th May 2011 (16:30-18:00)
Contact or tel: 0115 9514410 to express your interest in attending. 


Alison Kiddle and Charlie Gilderdale


The NRICH website initially published problems targeted at highly achieving maths students. Recently we have tried to cater for a much wider range of students by creating “low threshold - high ceiling” tasks. This session will offer delegates the opportunity to work on one of these tasks, and to see how such activities allow all students to engage with key mathematical processes, regardless of their prior level of achievement.

We imagine having time to work on a couple of tasks, and possibly more importantly, to take a look at the Teachers' Notes which accompany every new problem that we write.

Speaker biographies:

Charlie Gilderdale

Charlie taught mathematics at secondary level before moving 18 years ago to the University of Cambridge, to work in Initial Teacher Education. He is now a member of the Millennium Mathematics Project, Secondary Co-ordinator of the NRICH website, and works in schools with students and teachers. Charlie has co-ordinated the STIMULUS peer assisted learning project, and is a consultant to the HeyMath! project. In his recent work, Charlie has focussed on problem solving, and on creating opportunities for learning mathematics through exploration and discussion.

Alison Kiddle

Alison graduated with a degree in maths from Cambridge and became a teacher to share her view that maths can be useful, beautiful and a great deal of fun. After a five-year period in schools in Peterborough and Hertfordshire, converting young people to her views about maths, Alison joined the NRICH team in January 2009 where her main focus is developing Key Stage 4 material.

This talk will take place in Room C45, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus 

See here for further information.

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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