School of Education

CRME Launch Event

Jubilee Campus
Thursday 11th March 2010 (16:30-18:30)
Carol Hill
0115 951 4410

We would like to invite you to the launch of the Centre for Research in Mathematics Education (CRME), where we will introduce the team, describe our current programme of work and suggest ways in which you may like to become involved in some new developments.  We particularly wish to build relationships with teachers and schools across the East Midlands   and to seek partners for development and research.

CRME has ambitious aims - to analyse and transform mathematics education policies, curricula, assessment, CPD and classroom teaching through careful, systematic research and development. CRME incorporates and continues the internationally recognized work of the Shell Centre for Mathematics Education and the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS).

Our exciting (and rather daunting!) programme of work includes projects that aim to:

  •  analyse and reform classroom and external assessment, both here and in the US
  •  analyse and assemble professional development resources for teachers in maths and science across Europe
  •  explore new ways of influencing government policy.

These are exciting times for us and for Mathematics Education generally, so do come along and hear about how you might become involved.

Click here to download flyer 1 and flyer 2 for the event.

4.30pm  Arrival and drinks
5.00pm Launch presentations by Professor Malcolm Swan and the team
6.00pm  Refreshments
6.30pm Close 

RSVP: Please click here to register your interest  or email

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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