School of Education

LSRI: Finding Common Ground: Enhancing Domestic-International Student Engagement in the Classroom

Thursday 8th July 2010 (12:00-13:00)
Contact or tel: 0115 8467930 to express your interest in attending.


University of Melbourne
The presentation showcases the results of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) funded project which involved three Australian Universities (University of Melbourne, RMIT University and Victoria University. Many Universities in Australia argue that one of the key benefits of having international students on campus is the potential for cross-cultural interactions between students. Yet, there is research that indicates that interaction levels are relatively low across disciplines. While much research has focused on their social interaction outside the classroom, this project looks at what might occur within the classroom environment (including tutorials, seminars, laboratories and online discussion). This project argued that interaction between domestic and international students need to be strategically planned for and encouraged within classrooms. The presentation highlights a range of strategies which academics might consider in trying to enhance engagement between diverse groups of students.


Dr Shanton Chang is a senior lecturer in Change Management and Social Impacts of Information Systems at the Department of Information Systems, University of Melbourne. He completed his PhD in Competencies for Managing Multicultural Workforces at Monash University. His current primary areas of research include the Social Aspects of Broadband Technology Adoption, Online Behaviour and Online Prosumers, and Health and Education Informatics. He is also a recipient of a number of Awards for Excellence in Teaching from the University. Shanton has been involved in the international education sector in Australia for nearly two decades. His involvement started during his days as an international student in the early nineties. In 2000, he received the IDP award for outstanding contribution to the international education sector. In 2008, he received the ISANA Award for ongoing contribution to the International Education Association. (ISANA is the Australian counterpart of UKCISA).


This seminar will take place in Room 35a, Flexible Learning Room, LSRI, The Exchange, Jubilee Campus  

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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