School of Education

LSRI: TEL it to the People: Technology Enhanced Learning and the Making and Hacking Communities

Exchange Building, Jubilee Campus
Tuesday 8th June 2010 (16:00-17:00)
Contact or tel: 0115 8467930 to express your interest in attending.



Brock Craft
London Knowledge Lab

Until recently, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) tools that support embodied learning modalities have been locked away in academic and corporate research labs. But in the past few years, rich communities of creative exploration have grown, due to the ease of Internet communication, open-source hardware, and low cost components. Sharing their collected experiences and successes via social networking sites, groups of Makers and Hackers have made it easier to try out physical interactive devices. TEL researchers are starting to unlock the potential of these new tools.

I will present a brief survey of the Making and Hacking phenomena and the potential it has for TEL, followed by a short overview of recent research at the London Knowledge Lab, which explored embodied learning of mathematics and geometry. I'll also demo some of the quickly hacked together tools we used for this project.

This event will be live streamed via

This seminar will take place in Room 35a, Flexible Learning Room, LSRI, The Exchange, Jubilee Campus  

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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