School of Education

Gender balance of secondary heads won't match workforce until 2040

New article in the TES:

Dr Kay Fuller, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at The University of Nottingham, found that women made up just 38% of headteachers in state secondary schools in 2015, up from 25% in 2001.

"I think that's very slow progress in 15 years," she said. "At that rate of progress, it will take until 2040 to have the same proportion of women headteachers as women teachers in secondary schools."

The survey of England's 3,266 secondary heads, which was completed with information from school websites, found that the proportion of female headteachers matched or exceeded the proportion of female secondary teachers nationally in just seven of the 151 authority areas with secondary schools.

View the full article.


Posted on Friday 10th June 2016

School of Education

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