On 18 and 19 October, the School of Education, in collaboration with the Global Engagement Office, ran the first partnership activity with a two-day virtual training workshop for new academic partner, Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU), Kurdistan Region, Iraq. The training was co-organised with School of Education alumna, Dr Selar Othman Ali, formerly Head of Grant and Fund, International Office, EPU.
Participants included EPU deans of colleges, heads of departments, members of ECTS senior committee, academic staff working on TVET in collaboration with UNESCO, and academic staff working on quality assurance.
Topics and speakers
- Developing an internationalisation Strategy in a post-covid world - Joshua Hawkins, Senior Global Engagement Manager, Global Engagement Strategy Support Unit
- Building sustainable teaching partnerships - Joshua Hawkins, Senior Global Engagement Manager, Global Engagement Strategy Support Unit
- Qualifications frameworks, vocationalising curriculum and student employability: Issues and debates - Volker Wedekind, Professor of Education, Head of School, School of Education
- Internationalising the curriculum: Rationale, key concepts and considerations - Juliet Thondhlana, Professor of International Education and Development, School of Education
EPU is primarily a polytechnic university which offers technical and vocational education training programmes. It also offers academic programmes including health and medicine, management and administration, engineering, agriculture, and tourism.
Please contact Juliet Thondhlana to hear more about the partnership and how you may participate.

EPU staff attend the training workshop
Posted on Monday 24th October 2022