School of Education

Teaching with images: opportunities and pitfalls for Holocaust education

A new article has been published in Holocaust Studies - A Journal of Culture and History.

The article is co-written by University of Nottingham colleagues who have worked extensively on Holocaust research projects.  Gary Mills is an Associate Professor of History Education in the School of Education and Professor Maiken Umbach is a Professor of Modern History in the Department of  History.


Based on a sample of the most commonly used textbooks and online teaching resources, we find that photos play a central but deeply problematic role in Holocaust education in the UK. The impact of photos on a generation of ‘primarily visual learners’ is significant. But an over-reliance on a set of problematic stock photos, inadequate or erroneous captioning, and a lack of prompts for a critical analysis of photos create problems. Their combined effect can adversely affect understandings of this difficult history, and limit the development of visual literacy skills required for tackling contemporary misinformation and visual indoctrination.

Please visit the publisher's website to access to article.


Posted on Monday 25th September 2023

School of Education

University of Nottingham
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