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Charlie Brown

Understanding maths schools

Thursday, 16 May 2024

The Observatory’s Andy Noyes and Chris Brignell recently attended governor’s day for U-Maths.

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GCSE Maths resits - network events (roadshows)

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

A series of roadshows is being held in April and May for teachers of GCSE Maths resit students to come together and hear from each other and organisations supporting improvements across the post-16 sector - at a location near you.

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Andy Noyes 550x333x2

England’s largest cohort study in mathematics education 

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

In November 2023, we announced the establishment of the Observatory for Mathematical Education, made possible with a five-year founding grant of £8 million from XTX Markets.

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Trent Building - OME

£8m funding secured to establish Observatory for Mathematical Education at the University of Nottingham

Tuesday, 07 November 2023

The University of Nottingham has secured a founding £8m grant from XTX Markets to establish the Observatory for Mathematical Education...

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