
Observing and improving

In addition to our work of observing the current system through trend analysis and cohort studies, this programme of work seeks to understand interventions designed to improve the system.


We conduct quantitative and qualitative evaluations of established or proposed interventions in mathematics education.  Using our expertise developed in analysing national trends and our own cohort studies data, our team of researchers have the skills and knowledge necessary to independently evaluate interventions in terms of impact and implementation.


Teach for Mastery in FE is a professional development and lesson study approach designed to improves GCSE outcomes in FE colleges.  In a randomised controlled trial, students gained the equivalent of one month’s extra learning and students from the most deprived backgrounds made two months additional progress.  The £2 million trial was funded by the Department for Education.


We devise intervention plans to address the deficiencies and gaps in the current system.  There are lots of possibilities such as professional development for educators, extra-curricular enrichment for students, resources and financial support for institutions, policy changes for government but knowing where, when and how to intervene in a complex system is key.


Counting Collections is an early mathematics approach designed to develop a child’s understanding of number and quantity.  It is being trialled in three areas of the UK and is being funded and evaluated by the Education Endowment Foundation.

Other projects

We work with other researchers and policy makers.  If you have an idea for a research project in mathematics education or would like to partner with us, then please get in touch with the Observatory.