Current Research
Humphreys. J., Sweeney, D., Turner, J., Varga-Atkins, T., & Bligh, B., (2022) 'Navigating the TEL SoTL landscape: identities, advice and inspiration', ALT-C 2022, Association of Learning Technology Conference, University of Manchester. *
Sweeney, D., Humphreys, J., Turner, J., Varga-Atkins, T., Bligh, B., Tasler, N., & Datt, A. (2021) 'Are we there yet? Becoming a TEL scholar: code switching and building identity through the ALT ELESIG scholar scheme (pilot)', ALT-C 2021 'Shared Experience, Different Perspectives', Association of Learning Technology Conference, online. *
Sweeney, D. (2021) 'Transforming and sustaining university professional education in these current times: How do we accept the challenge?5' Keynote speaker for the MAHSA International Dentistry Conference 2021 (MI-DENT 2021) Malaysia.
Sweeney, D. (2020) 'Getting to grips with technology enhanced learning literature: Wading out of murky waters', Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1).*
Sweeney, D. (2020) 'Action research in teaching and learning, a practical guide to conducting pedagogical research in universities. Second edition.' (book review) Educational Action Research, 28(4).*
Sweeney, D. (2019) University teacher and student educational technology use: drawing on professional craft knowledge, Radical Electric Teaching Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, June 2019. Invitation
Sweeney, D., Hawker, I., Justice, S., & Byrne, N. (2019) Reflection in Practice: The what and the how. A study of how university teachers use reflective practice in their university teaching and professional contexts, University of Nottingham Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, May 2019. *
Bishop, A., Sweeney, D., & Townsend, A., (2019) Educational Inquiry Network: Supporting you to put your teaching and learning inquiry development plans into action NOW!, University of Nottingham Teaching and Learning Conference, Nottingham, May 2019. *
Sweeney, D., & Townsend, A. (2018) 'The Educational Inquiry Network: Engendering change in future research-intensive teaching practices', Toward a Learning Culture, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), Bergen, Norway, October 2018.*
Sweeney, D (2018) Spotlight on Research Methods - Differentiated Interview Strategy, ELESIG webinar series, March 2018. Invitation
* denotes peer reviewed
Past Research
Sweeney, D (2017) Optimising the quality of learning using educational technologies: a snapshot, University of Nottingham Teach Fest 2017, Sutton Bonington campus, UoN*
Sweeney, D and Clarke, M (2017) 'Student-led Research on ways to enhance the VLE (LMS) for learning optimisation', ALT-C 2017 Beyond islands of innovation - how Learning Technology became the new norm(al), University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK *
Sweeney, D. (2017) 'How can university student pioneers of learning technology support their peers and their institution?' ALT-C 2017 Beyond islands of innovation - how Learning Technology became the new norm(al), University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK *
Sweeney, D. (2017) 'Student-led Research on ways to enhance the VLE (LMS) for learning optimisation', School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Newcastle, Australia. Invitation
Clarke, M & Sweeney, D. (2017) 'Students' experiences of using a VLE to optimise their learning', Active Student Participation in Education Network (ASPEN), University of Glasgow, February,via Webinar. Invitation
Sweeney, D (2016) 'Blended Learning: The Student Perspective' Blended Learning 2016, October, Londo. Invitation
Sweeney, D (2016) 'Case study: how university students are using technology to promote their learning' Next Generation Learning Spaces Conference, March, London. Invitation
Sweeney, D. & Steele, H. (2014) "It can get lonely out here": Using webinars to engage distance learning PGRs and build a research learning community, Using New Technologies for Delivering Research Skills & Professional Development Training, UK Council for Graduate Education, Aston University, Birmingham. Invitation
Sweeney, D. (2013) 'How do students and teachers use learning technologies to optimize learning in university classrooms? Indicative findings from a pilot study', Experiencing Higher Education Global Trends and Transformations, SRHE Newer Researchers Conference, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, UK.*
Sweeney, D. (2013) 'eLearning Design and Development: a journey through murky waters', Building new cultures of learning, Association of Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2013), University of Nottingham, UK.*
Sweeney, D. (2013) 'How do students and teachers use learning technologies to support learning in university classrooms? Indicative findings from a pilot study'. School of Education Postgraduate Researcher Conference, University of Leicester, June 2013*
Cook, P. & Sweeney D. (2013) Research-lead Teaching; Theory, Practice and Policy, University of Leicester Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Leicester, January 2013. Invitation
Armellini, A.; Moseley, A.; Hayes, N.; Sweeney, D.; Padilla Rodríguez, B.C.; Conole, G. and Beard, J.( 2012) 'An inclusive review of current uses of the institutional VLE by staff and students at the University of Leicester', A confrontation with reality, Association of Learning Technology Conference, (ALT-C 2012), University of Manchester, UK.*
* denotes peer review