




Aims of Curriculum Transformation

Improving the design of our programmes is a key part of the University of Nottingham's strategy. The launch of the Curriculum Transformation, underlines the importance of designing programmes of study which focus on the student journey, leading to the skills and values which we expect University of Nottingham graduates to be able to demonstrate. This work brings together insights from current students, alumni, employers and the labour market to inform the re-design process. Both staff and students work together on re-designing their programme, resulting in the negotiated co-creation of new programmes of study. 

The aims of Curriculum Transformation include: 

  • Developing robust processes for programme design, approval and review 
  • Improving student learning and experience, including assessment literacy 
  • Reducing assessment burden by promoting and facilitating a programme-level vision 
  • Ensuring that all assessment tasks align with programme learning outcomes 
  • Ensuring that programmes reflect the University's aspirations and values 
  • Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement 

The principles of Curriculum Transformation will be embedded into future curriculum design and will continue to support the University of Nottingham's strategy. 

Further information is available through the Programme Design and Enhancement Toolkit:

Programme Design and Enhancement Toolkit (Internal Only)  

The Design Approach

The following curriculum design principles help to guide our approach to curriculum transformation:  

  • Programme teams design in partnership with students and stakeholders.

  • Design inclusively to enable our diverse community of students to engage, thrive and succeed.

  • Design at the programme-level for constructive alignment and meaningful choice.

  • Base the design on evidence.

  • Ensure assessment supports learning.

  • Design authentic learning experiences which develop professional and personal competencies.

  • Design to embed research, strategic themes and values.

Read more (Internal Only)




This has been such a great experience! It's good to feel valued and listened to...It has also been interesting to reflect upon my own experiences and how these can shape the course moving forward."
UG Student Co-Creator


Who is supporting Curriculum Transformation?

Curriculum Transformation is a collaborative endeavour, with many stakeholders across the University championing and supporting the work. Professor Mark Bradley (Interim Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience) is the academic sponsor. There is also a core team of Educational Developers within the Educational Development Team supporting the work.



Image of students working together in a classroom

Case Studies (Internal Only)

Student looking at phone

Curriculum Transformation Toolkit (Internal Only)

Group of people sitting at a table talking

Curriculum Transformation Taster Workshops





Contact us

For further information on the Educational Development team, please contact the team:
