Annual Monitoring
Each year, every School is asked to review its programmes to identify any key issues and improvements that might be needed. This includes all Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research programmes.
The monitoring exercise for taught provision includes reference to feedback from external examiners, reflection on student feedback and consideration of provision across the three campuses.
The monitoring exercise for research provision includes reference to training and development opportunities available to students, the effectiveness of student supervision and annual review, the effectiveness of training and support offered to students who teach and data relating to continuation and submission rates.
For more detailed information, please consult the following links below:
Quality Assurance at the International Campuses - Statements of Responsibility
Schools may have provision on one or more campus for which they have responsibility. Schools have all the responsibilities set out in the Quality Manual for their entire provision across all campuses. It is the responsibility of the individual School to determine the most appropriate approach to operating its quality assurance process within the context of the broad principles outlined in the Quality Manual.
Where Quality Assurance responsibilities have been delegated to particular role holders or units on the international campuses, this should be formally documented in the Statement of Responsibility.
There is an annual process carried out by the Educational Excellence Team to confirm continued validity of Statements of Responsibility. It also provides an opportunity for any changes to be discussed and reflected in the documentation.
For more detailed information, please consult the following links below: