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The University of Nottingham, it was really meant to be. It has shaped my knowledge and has made me so unique as an actual designer. It opened a lot of opportunities while studying. I was one of the UK national winners of the Isover International competition. It drastically improved my network and, as they say, your network is your net worth. I’ve made lots of connections from academics to people in different walks of life. I wouldn’t have met any of them without coming to Nottingham. Everything I’m doing now comes from studying at the University of Nottingham. 

Abdulquadri Ademakinwa

Why did you choose to study architecture and environmental design?

I realised that everything we build has a huge carbon impact on the environment. It's important for the designer to really look at how we can create buildings in an efficient way, because most people believe sustainability is about the operation and about technology. For instance, putting photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on the roof. This isn’t true. It starts from the designing of the building, and architectural designers are the bedrock of building conception and built environment conception. That’s why I studied an architecture and environmental design masters, to enable me to have a positive impact in society and in the world, by designing very efficient and sustainable buildings. 

What attracted you to study at the University of Nottingham?

I chose Nottingham for so many reasons. I did some research about the best architecture schools in the UK. I made a list of five schools which I narrowed down to architectural schools that have experts in environmental and sustainable design. From here the University of Nottingham was top of my list. That was in 2014, when I was doing a background check on my university of choice. Then I realised there was a scholarship that I could apply for because of my academic achievement in my undergraduate study (I was the best graduating student in both department and faculty), so I applied. I completed the necessary documents and I received the scholarship. Only the University of Nottingham met my criteria and had this scholarship, and that is why I applied here. 

What were your lecturers and fellow students like?

I had a great relationship with my lecturers and my fellow students. I’m still in communication with my supervisor, and some of my current colleagues studied on the same course together with me. I keep in contact with a lot of international students and some home students that I studied with. I still follow them on Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media. We really have a good relationship.  

What advice would you give to current engineering students at Nottingham?

My advice would be to take advantage of the time they have because it's a lovely moment that will shape their career and that will shape their knowledge. I’d advise they make maximum use of their time by using the careers support, leveraging the supporting lectures that the University of Nottingham offers, and the resources available from different departments. Never forget to enjoy student and campus life -by joining societies, sports clubs and other activities. Not just studying, studying, studying. Study doesn't go well without having fun. So, join a society and be actively involved. Take advantage of every opportunity that the University of Nottingham has to offer. 

I loved being trained by the best in the architectural sustainability industry. The knowledge and experience that I got from industry experts during my studies really enabled me to be unique - because I'm not just an architectural designer, I'm an environmental designer as well. 

I’d advise you to study at University of Nottingham as it’s the total package of all the support I’ve received which has furthered my career and helped me in other aspects of my life. It has opened many opportunities for me and drastically improved my network and, as they say, your network is your net worth. 



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