Department of
Architecture and Built Environment
An image of two architects on site

Architect Degree Apprenticeship

Our Architect Degree Apprenticeship offers employers the opportunity to attract, retain and develop talented employees as they work towards registering as qualified architects in the UK.

The Architect Degree Apprenticeship combines the best of practice experience and research-led education. It gives apprentices the opportunity to use their academic studies to enrich their real-world experience, enhancing their learning and confidence, and enabling them to make significant contributions to your practice’s research, projects and networks. 



Please note that changes have been made to the information on this web page on Wednesday 19 March 2025 that affect the 2025 intake to this programme.
Qualification MArch Architecture with Collaborative Practice Research (ARB/RIBA Part 2) and Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice in Architecture (Part 3)

53 months (including end-point assessment)


Day release 

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 degree and a 2:1 standard in final year design studio modules

Part 1 completion in a UK-based recognised School of Architecture

Six months work experience in a relevant role 

Eligibility requirements

All apprentices must:

  • Be working in a job role that provides opportunities to apply and develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the Level 7 Architect Degree Apprenticeship standard
  • Work a minimum of 50% of their time in England
  • Have access to the agreed off-the-job training hours, during contracted working hours
  • Be a UK/EU/EEA national or have lived and have had a right to work in the UK for 3 years or more

    English and maths requirements

    There is no mandatory requirement for apprentices age 19+ to complete Level 2 English and maths. However, apprentices or employers may opt-in for the apprentice to study towards an English and maths qualification where they don't already have an equivalent qualification, with funding available if they choose to do so.

Apprentices who do not provide a suitable Level 2 English certificate, and do not hold an appropriate English language equivalent qualification from this list, will also need to provide an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) result that is dated within the last two years. The minimum requirement for this programme is an overall score of 6.0, with no less than a 5.5 in each of the individual elements. The university’s policy around this can be found here

Start date

June 2025

Application deadline

Friday 4 April 2025

Programme fees


Programme fees are paid by the employer either via the apprenticeship levy or they may be eligible for up to 100% co-investment from the government, there is no cost to the apprentice. Read our funding information to find out more.

  • University Park, Nottingham
  • Wallacespace in Clerkenwell Green, Central London
School / department Department of Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Architect Registration Board (ARB)
  • Validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 

Who is the Architect Degree Apprenticeship for?

Our Architect Degree Apprenticeship is designed to offer practices a cost-effective way to retain talented Part 1 Architectural Assistants.

Apprentices must have completed their Part 1 in a UK-based recognised School of Architecture and are typically required to have six months work experience in a relevant role.

Apprentices must be employed in a job role that provides opportunities to learn the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the Level 7 Architect Apprenticeship Standard. They must also work at least 50% of their time in England.  

Before apprentices join the programme, we work with them to determine their level of existing skills and knowledge in order to build a learning plan to provide the support they require to meet the apprenticeship standard. 

Read more about eligibility for degree apprenticeships. 

 “It's been a benefit to the practice to have someone who's young, enthusiastic, and has the time to invest in research, which is what you get when you when you employ apprentices.

Our apprentices’ digital capabilities have been fantastic, particularly their work for virtual reality and 3D modelling. They have developed the skills that the practice needs, and the university has furthered their knowledge in areas we need them to be experienced in. Seeing the work they are doing at university keeps things interesting and fresh for the rest of us in practice."

David Hickman, Director, Hickman and Smith Architects


Programme Details

The Architect Degree Apprenticeship is delivered over a four and half year period with each year further building on the apprentice's knowledge and skills, the programme is delivered via day release with additional self study days to be booked each semester. Over the course of the programme, apprentices will be awarded MArch Architecture with Collaborative Practice Research (ARB/RIBA Part 2) and then the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice in Architecture (Part 3). They will then progress onto a gateway review and end-point assessment to complete their Architect Degree Apprenticeship.

Successful apprentices will also be eligible to apply to become a registered architect with the ARB in professional practice. 


Year one


Year two


Year three


Year four




End-point assessment (EPA)


The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may be changed, renamed, reorganised or or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the programme due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments, or staffing changes or changing demands of industry. The university shall ensure that modules and programme continue to adhere to the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSB) required of the applicable Apprenticeship Standard, which are fundamental to any programme of delivery. This content was last updated on Wednesday 4 December 2024.

 Why choose the Architect Degree Apprenticeship at the University of Nottingham?

Our Architect Degree Apprenticeship programme has been amongst the top three providers for the last three years for this standard* and is delivered in both Nottingham and Central London. 

*As per ILR data published by the ESFA 2022-4 YTD

University Park is our biggest UK campus and is full of history and heritage as well as being the home of several award-winning buildings. With excellent transport links and state of the art facilities, it’s the home of our architecture teaching within Nottingham.

Apprentices based in the south of England can also benefit from undertaking their degree apprenticeship at our Central London satellite site: Wallacespace; an inspirational space with convenient transport links. 

Moreover, our Architect Degree Apprenticeship is validated by RIBA and is taught by a top 10 university for architecture*, demonstrating our wealth of teaching expertise and knowledge. We are also rated 'excellent' by employers on the website (as of December 2024) showing how employers value the benefits of our programme. 

*The Times University Guide 2024, The Guardian University Guide 2024 and The Complete University Guide 2024. 

Working together, we equip your apprentices with the core knowledge, skills and behaviours your industry needs to compete and succeed at the highest level.

Apprenticeship features

Skills Scan

As part of the application and enrolment process, we carry out an individual Skills Skan. This enables us to determine apprentice's existing levels of skill and knowledge and build a personal plan which will set out all the learning, tutorial support, and resources provided by the university.

Tripartite reviews

As part of our continued support for each apprentice and the degree apprenticeship, we offer tripartite reviews between the employer, apprentice and the university to formally assess progress in the academic programme and work-based learning. 


Apprentices are assessed through a mixture of exams, coursework and a portfolio of work. The degree apprenticeship also includes an end-point assessment, which comprises of a career appraisal followed by a professional interview and a case study report supported by a design challenge. 

Support team

Each of our Degree Apprenticeship programmes are designed to include full support for the apprentice and their employer. We provide:

  • an Account Manager to support and guide employers throughout the programme

  • a Degree Apprenticeship Officer to support each apprentice throughout the programme



Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14184