Department of
Architecture and Built Environment

Katherine Krysiak

A Tree-Lined Street 

This proposal uses trees as a driving concept. For centuries people have enjoyed the promenade on Clifton Grove and in the early days of the estate there were more tree-lined streets. Trees have been used to create an overarching environmental strategy for the site providing, amongst other environmental benefits, solar shading in summer and the opportunity for solar gain in winter with living areas orientated to the South-West. A new tree-lined street improves connectivity and creates a safe pedestrian route. Trees also influence the architectural idea. Solid forms are wrapped in light timber structures that link with the garden, adding a layer of transparency and semi-private space that interacts with the dappled light through the canopies. The solid volumes are constructed with clay blocks which are chosen for their insulating properties, high thermal mass, and long lifespan. This monolithic way of building links with the stacked, solid walls of the cottages in Clifton Village. This adds longevity and permanence, contrasting with the more fragile nature of timber. The project attempts to address the focus of studio 4; to create spaces with character, atmosphere and ambience whilst providing good apartments with a layering of public to private spaces within which a vibrant co-housing community could thrive.  

Architecture drawing of a site plan.

Katherine Krysiak's work


Jun 18, 2021


Jun 18, 2021


Jun 18, 2021


Jun 18, 2021


Jun 18, 2021
Katherine Krysiak

Student Biography

Prior to studying architecture at the University of Nottingham, I completed Part 1 at the University of Liverpool. I am especially interested in the overlap of art and architecture to create spaces with character, and the idea that layers of history present in a place should inform intervention. 






Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14184