
Creating a diversification of typology that establishes a new identity for heritage structures that are subject to dereliction.



Cory graduated from the Leicester School of Architecture in 2020 and began his Part 1 placement at HSSP Architects before returning for his Part 2 education. His key architectural interests include urban masterplanning and the adaptive re-use of culturally significant buildings. Cory particularly enjoys employing physical models to explore tectonic and urban massing ideas. 

Cory Staton, MArch Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) 




Ruin and rebirth: A prognostic conservation methodology

Building on S1 Continuity’s ethos, which encourages theoretical investigation and a carefully read intervention methodology that responds to an existing building’s history, character, and ambience, this design looks to ‘Buildings of Production’ as an avenue for investigating a novel ‘prognostic’ form of heritage conservation. These abandoned relics, testimonies of a recent past, provide a chance to reflect on new intervention strategies and stand as an occasion to address contemporary urgencies within the architectural sphere.

This proposal utilises approaches to material decay that highlight the UK’s migration to net zero construction, while concurrently celebrating semiotic tectonic mechanisms that support continuity between past, present and future. Articulation of constructed form carefully augments the physicality of existing structures, creating a diversification of typology that establishes a new identity for heritage structures that are subject to dereliction.



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