VOSKRESENSKYI, S., AITBAR, I., BALLUKJA, E., NIEWIADOMSKI, K., THOMAS, D. W. P. and GREEDY, S., 2023. State of the Art of Near-Field Scanning: Contemporary Standards and Methods PENA-QUINTAL, A., SAYED, W. E., SUMNER, M., ERCAN, S. U., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. and SMOLENSKI, R., 2023. On Spread Spectrum for DC Grids: Low-Frequency Conducted EMI Mitigation and Signal Integrity Disruption in Serial Communication Links: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 1-10 LODRO, M., TAGHVAEE, H., GROS, J. B., GREEDY, S., LEROSEY, G. and GRADONI, G., 2022. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-assisted Classification of Modulations using Deep Learning LODRO, M., GRADONI, G., SMARTT, C., THOMAS, D. and GREEDY, S., 2022. Compact MIMO System Performances in Metallic Enclosures: Electronics (Switzerland) Electronics (Switzerland). 11(24), LODRO, M., GRADONI, G., SMARTT, C., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D. and GREEDY, S., 2021. Near-field image transmission and evm measurements in rich scattering environment in metal enclosure: Progress In Electromagnetics Research M Progress In Electromagnetics Research M. 101, 139-147 PENA-QUINTAL, A., NIEWIADOMSKI, K., MUNEESWARAN, V., GREEDY, S., SUMNER, M. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2021. The Effect of Spread Spectrum Modulation for a Buck Converter Coupled with a Single Wired Communication Link LODRO, M., SMART, C., GRADONI, G., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D. and GREEDY, S., 2020. SDR Based Implementation of MSK and GMSK Receiver in Rich Multipath Environment LODRO, M., SMART, C., GRADONI, G., THOMAS, A. V. D. and GREEDY, S., 2020. Near-field BER and EVM measurement at 5.8 GHz in mode-stirred metal enclosure: Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. 35(9), 1080-1088 AHMED, M., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S., SMARTT, C., GREEDY, S. and TANNER, G., 2020. Distribution of Energy through Cable Networks using Random Coupling Model PENA-QUINTAL, A. E., BASFORD, M. J., NIEWIADOMSKI, K., GREEDY, S., SUMNER, M. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2020. Data Links Modelling under Radiated EMI and its Impact on Sampling Errors in the Physical Layer BASFORD, M. J., PENA-QUINTAL, A. E., GREEDY, S., SUMNER, M. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2020. An Open Source, FPGA-Based Bit Error Ratio Tester for Serial Communications MUNALLI, D., DIMITRAKIS, G., CHRONOPOULOS, D., GREEDY, S. and LONG, A., 2019. Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of carbon fibre reinforced composites: Composites Part B: Engineering Composites Part B: Engineering. 173, AHMED, M., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S., SMARTT, C., GREEDY, S. and TANNER, G., 2019. Energy transfer in complex networks: A quantum graph approach MAJEED, N., SALADINA, M., KROMPIEC, M., GREEDY, S., DEIBEL, C. and MACKENZIE, R. C. I., 2019. Using Deep Machine Learning to Understand the Physical Performance Bottlenecks in Novel Thin-Film Solar Cells: Advanced Functional Materials Advanced Functional Materials. MARICAR, M. I., KHALID, A., DUNN, G., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D., CUMMING, D. R. S. and OXLEY, C. H., 2018. An electrical equivalent circuit to simulate the output power of an AlGaAs/GaAs planar gunn diode oscillator: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 60(9), 2144-2148 GREEDY, S., SMARTT, C., BASFORD, M. J. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2018. Open source cable models for EMI simulations: IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine. 7(3), 69-81 LODRO, M., SMARTT, C., MARICAR, I., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D. W. P. and GREEDY, S., 2018. BER measurement and OTA performance of QPSK receiver in an anechoic chamber SALEH, E., WOOLLIAMS, P., CLARKE, B., GREGORY, A., GREEDY, S., SMARTT, C., WILDMAN, R., ASHCROFT, I., HAGUE, R., DICKENS, P. and TUCK, C., 2017. 3D inkjet-printed UV-curable inks for multi-functional electromagnetic applications: Additive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing. 13, 143-148 THOMAS, D. W. P., SMARTT, C., NASSER, H., BAHARUDDIN, M., GREEDY, S., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C. and TANNER, G., 2017. Time domain measurement of near field emissions from complex PCBs SMARTT, C., BASFORD, M. J., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. W. P. and SUMNER, M., 2017. EMC-oriented multi-conductor equivalent circuit cable models for spice, including transfer impedance coupling and incident field excitation PHANG, S., MARICAR, M. I., IVRLAC, M. T., GREEDY, S., GRADONI, G., CREAGH, S. C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOSSEKTT, J. A. and TANNER, G., 2017. Towards near-field dense MIMO communications PHANG, S., MARICAR, M. I., SCHAFER, D., IVRLAC, M. T., GREEDY, S., GRADONI, G., BAGGEN, R., CREAGH, S. C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOSSEK, J. and TANNER, G., 2017. Non-interfering channels in a near-field MIMO communication MACKENZIE, R. C. I., BALDERRAMA, V. S., SCHMEISSER, S., STOOF, R., GREEDY, S., PALLARÈS, J., MARSAL, L. F., CHANAEWA, A. and VON HAUFF, E., 2016. Loss Mechanisms in High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells: Advanced Energy Materials Advanced Energy Materials. 6(4), DE POMERAI, D. I., IQBAL, N., LAFAYETTE, I., NAGARAJAN, A., KAVIANI MOGHADAM, M., FINEBERG, A., READER, T., GREEDY, S., SMARTT, C. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2016. Microwave fields have little effect on α-synuclein aggregation in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson's disease: Bioelectromagnetics Bioelectromagnetics. 37(2), 116-129 NOTHOFER, A., TARISCIOTTI, L., GREEDY, S., EMPRINGHAM, L., DE LILLO, L. and DEGANO, M., 2016. Conducted emission evaluation for direct matrix converters MARICAR, M. I., GRADONI, G., GREEDY, S., IVRLAC, M. T., NOSSEK, J. A., PHANG, S., CREAGH, S. C., TANNER, G. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2016. Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas NOTHOFER, A., TARISCIOTTI, L., GREEDY, S., EMPRINGHAM, L., DE LILLO, L. and DEGANO, M., 2016. Conducted emission evaluation for direct matrix converters NOTHOFER, A., TARISCIOTTI, L., ZHOU, Q., BENSON, T., GREEDY, S. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2016. Analysis of conducted emissions from an electric nacelle anti-ice power control system NOTHOFER, A., TARISCIOTTI, L., ZHOU, Q., BENSON, T., GREEDY, S. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2016. Analysis of conducted emissions from an electric nacelle anti-ice power control system CHUN-PING, CHEN, ANADA, T., TAKEDA, S., ZHEWANG, MA, GREEDY, S. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. Design of pseudo-elliptic bandpass filter using higher-order modes of photonic crystal point defect cavity for sub-terahertz bands MACKENZIE, R. C. I., BALDERRAMA, V. S., SCHMEISSER, S., STOOF, R., GREEDY, S., PALLARÈS, J., MARSAL, L. F., CHANAEWA, A. and VON HAUFF, E., 2015. Loss Mechanisms in High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells: Advanced Energy Materials Advanced Energy Materials. n/a-n/a CHEN, C. P., ANADA, T., GREEDY, S., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. A novel photonic crystal band-pass filter using degenerate modes of a point-defect microcavity for terahertz communication systems: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 56(4), 792-797 MACKENZIE, R. C. I., GÖRITZ, A., GREEDY, S., VON HAUFF, E. and NELSON, J., 2014. Theory of Stark spectroscopy transients from thin film organic semiconducting devices: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89(19), KATO, T., KAMATA, K., CHEN, C., GREEDY, S., BENSON, T. and ANADA, T., 2014. A Numerical Study on 2D Photonic Crystal Devices for Millimeter and Terahertz Wave Applications In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS).
THOMAS, D. W. P., OBIEKEZIE, C., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R., SEWELL, P. and NOTHOFER, A., 2014. Analysis of Radiated Fields from PCBs in the Time Domain In: Radio 2014, Mauritius.
GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. W. P. and SMARTT, C., 2014. Time Domain Simulations of Physical Systems
using TLM In: EMCUK 2014 - EMC Technical Workshops.
OBIEKEZIE, C. S., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Complex locations of equivalent dipoles for improved characterization of radiated emissions: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 56(5), 1087-1094 OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. A technique for analyzing EMC shielding effectiveness based on near-field measurement and equivalent dipole modeling OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Optimisation of a simple equivalent dipole model to include edge effects OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Modeling of electromagnetic emissions from a multilayer PCB THOMAS, D. W. P., OBIEKEZIE, C., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Near field characterisation of electromagnetic interference from multilayered printed circuit boards OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Modeling of electromagnetic emissions from a multilayer PCB ORTEGA MOÑUX, A., GREEDY, S. and LIFANTE, G., 2013. Preface: Optical and Quantum Electronics Optical and Quantum Electronics. 45(4), 307 OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Extended scheme using equivalent dipoles for characterizing edge currents along a finite ground plane: Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. 28(11), 1111-1121 OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. Accurate Prediction of Magnetic Fields at Higher Planes using Near-Field Measurement In: URSI UK workshop, Birmingham, Sept. 2013.
THOMAS, D. W. P., OBIEKEZIE, C., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2013. ''Near-field Characterization of electromagnetic Interference from Multilayered printed circuit boards In: Microwave conf. Europe (EuMC). 1127-1130
C OBIEKEZIE, D W P THOMAS, A NOTHOFER, S GREEDY and P SEWELL, 2012. Electromagnetic Characterisation of 3D Radiators In: EUROEM 2012, European Electromagnetics, Toulouse, 2nd - 6th July 2012. 163
OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOLOUS, C., 2012. Characterisation of noisy electromagnetic fields from Circuits using the Correlation of equivalent sources In: IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOLOUS, C., 2012. Prediction of emission from a source placed inside a metallic enclosure over a finite ground plane In: IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. WAKATSUCHI, H., PAUL, J., GREEDY, S. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2012. Cut-wire metamaterial design based on simplified equivalent circuit models IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 60(8), 3670-3678 OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S. and SEWELL, P., 2012. Electromagnetic Characterization of 3D Radiators In: EuroEM Conf., Toulouse, France, July 2012.
THOMAS, D. W. P., OBIEKEZIE, C., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S. and SEWELL, P., 2012. Characterization of Noisy Electromagnetic Fields from Circuits using the Correlation of Equivalent Sources In: EMC Euro Conf., Rome, Italy, September 2012.
GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. Efficient analysis of integrated optical circuits by the spectral index method Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 38(1), 68-73 OBIEKEZIE, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., A Simplified Analytical Solution for Characterizing Edge Currents Along a Finite Ground Plane In: ACES Conf., Monterel, CA, March 2013.
Open Source Cable Models for EMI Simulations