
Medical Engineering Technician - NHS University Hospitals Birmingham

My time during University of Nottingham has equipped me with engineering competency and real-world adaptability that translates into my contribution to the life-saving work at the NHS. I am grateful for the outstanding education and early career development opportunities that have shaped me into the medical engineering professional I am today. Lessons learnt from my failures have empowered me to approach new challenges with confidence and grace. I left not just with a cutting-edge qualification, but with my identity validated and reinforced. I proudly carry my alma mater’s bold, barrier-breaking ethos with me as I carve my path as a female engineer. 

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Explain the Bioengineering MSc and why you took this course? 

The Bioengineering MSc programme at the University of Nottingham provides specialized training in the research, design, and regulation of innovative medical technologies and biomaterials. I chose this advanced degree to build upon my undergraduate foundation in biomedical engineering and prepare for a career driving healthcare innovation. 

I developed a passion for biomedical engineering and improving healthcare outcomes through technology during my three-month summer internship at GE Healthcare, which I did during my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering. I supported projects ranging from test automation to clinical trials and data analysis. Working hands-on with MRI machines, patient monitors, and other vital equipment, I saw firsthand how proper design and functionality could translate to enhanced diagnosis and treatment. Troubleshooting issues and supporting software upgrades for devices used directly in patient care also opened my eyes to the life-saving potential of specialising in this area as an engineer. The experience solidified my desire to dedicate my career to advancing medical technology and quantification methods for optimizing personalised care paths.  

I researched master's programmes that could expand my qualifications for medtech research and development roles. The University of Nottingham’s specialised Bioengineering MSc curriculum stood out as an ideal fit, because it delved into areas like biometric product testing, biomaterials for implants and surgical device design through an engineering lens.  

What did you do when you graduated?

After submitting my dissertation, I took a one-month vacation to India to visit family and friends. A month before I submitted my dissertation, I received a job offer from NHS University Hospitals Birmingham to work as a Medical Engineering Technician under a skilled worker visa. The timing felt perfect. I knew that when I returned from India in October, I would be starting an exciting new career chapter with the NHS. The month in India allowed me to relax after the rigors of completing my degree, as well as reconnect with loved ones I hadn’t seen in a while. It was a fitting way to celebrate my graduation achievements before embarking on this next step in Birmingham.  

I arrived back feeling recharged and ready to fully immerse myself in both my new job and life in England's second largest city. I'm thankful I had this transitional month to enjoy time abroad while setting myself up for success as I launched into the workforce. The memories made will keep me fuelled as I take on new challenges that lie ahead.

What do you do now? 

I work as a Medical Engineering Technician at NHS University Hospitals Birmingham. This position has allowed me to directly apply the valuable skills and knowledge I gained through my studies at the University of Nottingham. It has also enabled me to further develop my capabilities in the medical engineering field. In my current role at NHS Birmingham, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse team of healthcare professionals to maintain and repair vital medical equipment. Whether conducting preventative maintenance or troubleshooting complex devices, I find the work incredibly fulfilling. I am constantly challenged to expand my expertise so I can effectively solve problems as they emerge and ensure patient safety.  

My goal is to continue advancing in the medical engineering profession in the years ahead. By continuing to learn on-the-job and stay apprised of the latest technological advances in the healthcare sector, I hope to position myself for more senior roles with greater responsibilities. I also plan to supplement my practical experience by taking certification courses to hone niche skillsets. With diligence and dedication, I am confident my career path in this essential field will be a rewarding one as I contribute to improved quality of care for patients across NHS facilities. 

What's your favourite thing about your job?

Many parts of my job as a Medical Engineering Technician are rewarding, but my absolute favourite is getting to see patients benefit from the medical equipment my team works tirelessly to maintain. Whether running safety inspections, preventative upkeep, or emergency repairs when issues arise, I take pride in helping ensure these complex devices can aid clinicians in the lifesaving care they provide each day. I find nothing more satisfying than when a grateful patient or healthcare worker says a heartfelt “thank you” for my behind-the-scenes efforts. Every ventilator checked, MRI machine calibrated, and anaesthesia system tested is done with the knowledge that patients’ wellbeing is reliant on our technical expertise.  

My work translates to higher quality care, reduced risks in the operating room, quicker diagnoses, and more comfortable visits. Though the long hours and intense concentration needed for this career can be taxing, I feel continually fuelled knowing I play a small but vital role in the patient healing process. The jobs we as biomedical equipment technicians perform usually go unseen by those not working directly with this machinery, but I cherish getting to be part of a network of professionals devoted to improving care through technology. My greatest sense of purpose comes from loving what I do and who I do it for each day. 

What was your favourite thing about your degree? 

My time studying for my Bioengineering MSc at the University of Nottingham was essential for shaping me into the skilled Medical Engineering Technician I am today. The theoretical education paired with invaluable hands-on laboratory training I obtained through the program built a strong foundation for my career in clinical equipment maintenance. Courses focusing on human anatomy, diagnostic technologies, and medical devices gave me in-depth knowledge to draw upon for aspects of my role like safety inspections, troubleshooting issues, and guiding equipment upgrades.  

Meanwhile, dedicated engineering modules refined critical analysis and complex problem-solving abilities needed for this technically demanding field. Opportunities to participate in research studies using medical technology further enhanced my competencies and helped cement my passion for this area of engineering that I now get to apply directly at NHS hospitals.  

The University’s dedicated career support services also prepared me for securing my job by bolstering my interview abilities, CV, and workplace readiness. Overall, the comprehensive education and support I received gave me the core engineering proficiencies and specialised expertise to excel as a Medical Engineer. The problem-solving and perseverance skills I continue honing through new on-the-job challenges each day had their genesis in my impactful undergraduate experiences (I did an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering in India before coming to Nottingham). I feel well prepared to reach my ultimate goals of career advancement and leadership, benefiting both patient care technology and the dedicated engineering teams driving healthcare innovation. 

Why do you think studying at UoN has made the difference to your career?

I wholeheartedly believe that studying Bioengineering at the prestigious University of Nottingham made all the difference in setting me on a rewarding career path as an Engineering Technician. The University’s outstanding reputation for innovation in healthcare technology fields meant I knew I would receive cutting-edge education tailored to in-demand career skills upon enrolment. The University’s close partnerships with nearby healthcare providers like NHS for research initiatives, co-ops, and work experience programs gave me early exposure to real-world equipment I would later encounter.  

I also took full advantage of UoN’s excellent engineering career support team to polish and perfect my CV, interview abilities, and other job-seeking skills critical for entering the competitive NHS job market.  Thanks to the University’s advanced Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing facilities and technology, I gained hands-on experience resolving the types of complex technical challenges I now manage daily at NHS hospitals. My program’s dedicated faculty took a genuine interest in preparing students for workplace success, providing both sound technical foundations and realistic understanding of thriving in busy clinical environments long-term.  

Upon graduating, I felt equipped with exactly the blend of engineering expertise, critical thinking ability, and practical knowledge now allowing me to excel as a young, yet confident leader in my field. My time at the University of Nottingham gave me both engineering competency and real-world adaptability that make me proud of the life-saving impact I deliver through my NHS work. I will be forever grateful for the outstanding education and early career development opportunities UoN provided to shape me into the medical engineering professional I am today.  

What has your University of Nottingham experience meant to you?   

My time at the University of Nottingham was truly life-changing for me both professionally and personally. Academically speaking, the outstanding quality of education, research, and practical preparation shaped critical foundations for my career. However, the experience also impacted me at a deeper level by helping me gain confidence, self-knowledge, and cherished friendships. Prior to university, I was extremely shy and lacked belief in my abilities, especially in hands-on laboratory settings. But supportive professors, collaborative team projects, and an inclusive campus community allowed my talents to emerge in an organic way.  

Over time at UoN, I stepped more and more outside my comfort zone, even taking on important leadership roles in engineering societies.  During my vulnerable late teen years, the chance to find myself amidst diversity of thought, background, and goals was a gift. I left not just with cutting-edge qualifications, but with my identity validated and reinforced. I carry my alma mater’s bold, barrier-breaking ethos with me as I pave my own trail as a female engineer. The self-confidence and willingness to learn from failure that University of Nottingham instilled makes me feel I can handle new workplace challenges with poise.  

Beyond pure academics, UoN connects me to a powerful professional and personal support network for life. I made wonderful friends for my university years and beyond who inspire me to aim high while staying grounded. My time living, studying, and maturing together at this prestigious institution bonds us for decades to come through shared nostalgia and formative memory-making. To me, my University of Nottingham chapter represents a special once-in-a-lifetime convergence of people and place that transformed me completely. The personal evolution I underwent along with the world-class teaching ensures I will make positive change happen through my medical engineering career and community. 

What did you enjoy about your social time here?  

I thoroughly enjoyed the vibrant, diverse, and inclusive social scene across the University of Nottingham’s campus. As an international student far from home, I was delighted to find so many clubs, societies, events and friendly, multicultural communities enabling me to embrace student life and make wonderful friends from day one. I have especially fond memories of joining UoN’s Indian Cultural Society and attending phenomenal Diwali celebrations, Bollywood dancing nights, and flavourful Indian meal meetups. Connecting with those who shared my cultural background provided a valuable home away from home.  

Yet some of my most treasured university bonds stemmed from uniting with fellow students around common interests like our passion for sustainability, tennis, or debating current events. From rocking out at the annual Splendour Festival to cheering on the lacrosse club I managed, I left few weekends without campus plans! When heavy coursework dominated weeknights, I knew I could unwind over group dinners at the Portland Building or some friendly competition at the Sports Centre. Rain or shine, the vibrancy amongst the student body felt palpable across UoN’s grounds.   

While my academic program certainly prepared me for career success, the personalised support I received from mentors also nurtured personal growth beyond the classroom. I will forever be grateful for how fully myself I felt during my university experience - firmly rooted in my heritage yet courageous expanding my worldview through exposure to 7,000 new perspectives. No matter where life takes me, I know I have a community at UoN. 

What advice would you give someone considering studying Bioengineering? 

I highly recommend this dynamic field to any student with interests spanning engineering, medicine, and pioneering new technology. It combines academically rigorous science and design coursework with the ethical considerations of healthcare. My advice to future students is get comfortable with biology, embrace interdisciplinarity, value hands-on experiences, never forget the human impact, and adopt a growth mindset. Given the speed of advancement in medical technology, learning agility is also a must. Set goals to embrace creativity, build resilience in the face of setbacks, and persevere to bring ambitious new ideas to fruition. 

I knew from the University’s outstanding reputation for innovation in healthcare and technology, that I would receive cutting-edge education tailored to in-demand career skills. The University’s close partnerships with nearby healthcare providers like NHS for research initiatives, co-op opportunities, and work experience programs, provided me with early exposure and insights into navigating the workplace.



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