
PhD researcher in Manufacturing Technology at Rolls Royce UTC 

I planned to come to study in the UK with a friend as a study abroad experience. The University of Nottingham has such a variety of MSc courses that we both found one that we loved. The facilities of the university, the libraries, sports centers, and study places are very nice, The University Park and Jubilee campuses are just beautiful.

Irati Sanchez

Why did you choose to study engineering?

When I was a child, science and engineering (as well as dinosaurs) were the best, so when I had to choose a career path I took one of them.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

Doing coursework for Angela Seddon's class about glasses and ceramics with other two girls that were from another two different continents, we still have our Facebook group chat. 

What were the lecturers/your fellow students like?

The diversity was the best, just chatting between classes you learn so many things.

What advice would you give to current engineering students at Nottingham? 

Enjoy the university years and make friends while in class or around the campus. They are the ones that are having the same struggles as you, the ones that can understand you the best and help you the most. The friends I made in my university years from all over the world are the most valuable thing I earned while studying. 

In my MSc year, I met some friends that encouraged me to apply for a PhD. Now I'm a Researcher in Manufacturing technology at the Rolls-Royce UTC of the University of Nottingham!



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