Department of
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Sharmin Fattahi

Toro - Pneumatic Regenerative Braking System

Toro, which is the name of the product is designed to act like a mechanical regenrative braking system. This product is meant to be retro fitted on any standard adult road bikes attached to the front wheel. It works by having a roller wheel in contact with the front wheel. One side of the roller wheel is attached to a pump and the other side to an air motor. When the bicycle is going downhill, the pump is activated and air is compressed in a pressure vessel. The compressed air is then used to power the roller wheel when the cyclist is going uphill for some extra boost. This extends the range of cyclists while keeping the efficiency at maximum. 

Please watch the video for full description.

Image 4

Sharmin Fattahi's designs

Image 1

Image 1
Jun 21, 2022

Image 2

Image 2
Jun 21, 2022

Image 3

Image 3
Jun 21, 2022

Image 4

Image 4
Jun 21, 2022

Image 5

Image 5
Jun 21, 2022

Image 6

Image 6
Jun 21, 2022


Sharmin Fattahi

Student Biography

A career in design has always been my ambition. It enables me to logically work through challenging problems whilst allowing me to express my creative nature. 







Department of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14081