
An innovative, self-contained workspace designed specifically to address the unique needs of neurodivergent employees.


Eloisa Ridley Portrait Picture_cropped2

I have always been fascinated by the intersection between creative thinking and logical problem solving, and how these skills can combine to design solutions that improve our world and the lives of everyone in it. I began university life studying mechanical engineering before transferring to specialise in product design and manufacture, as this is where my real interest lies.

Outside of uni, I have a wealth of hospitality experience from working part time alongside my studies. In my free time, I enjoy other creative outlets such as crochet and sewing my own clothes, and also love going rock climbing with friends – if you couldn’t guess from my choice of project!

Eloisa Ridley, BEng Product Design and Manufacture






Sense – a sensory friendly workspace

In today's diverse workplace, accommodating the needs of all employees is essential for fostering a productive and inclusive environment. Neurodivergent individuals with sensory processing differences face unique challenges in the traditional office environment that can impede their efficiency.  That's where Sense comes in. Sense is an innovative self-contained workspace designed specifically to address the unique needs of neurodivergent employees, providing them with a comfortable and conducive work environment.

Sense stands out with its advanced active-noise cancellation technology. traditional office spaces can be overwhelming for individuals with sensory processing differences, as the constant background noise can easily disrupt their focus and concentration. By blocking out unwanted sounds, Sense creates a quiet and peaceful atmosphere that enhances focus and reduces sensory overload.

Moreover, Sense offers wireless remote control, allowing users to have full control over their workspace. They can easily adjust lighting, noise-cancellation, and heating settings according to their preferences. This level of customization is crucial for neurodivergent individuals, as it enables them to tailor their work environment to their specific sensory needs, ultimately improving comfort and well-being.


Sense prioritizes sensory-friendly lighting, recognizing that bright or flickering lights can be distressing for neurodivergent individuals. With Sense, employees can adjust the lighting to create a soothing and consistent ambience, minimizing sensory distractions and optimizing their focus and productivity.

Another notable feature of Sense is its integration of ergonomic design principles. The workspace is carefully crafted to provide optimal comfort and support, considering the diverse needs of neurodivergent individuals. By promoting proper posture and reducing physical discomfort, Sense helps prevent unnecessary distractions and allows employees to fully concentrate on their tasks.

Sense goes beyond functionality, promoting inclusivity and understanding in the workplace. By acknowledging and accommodating the unique needs of neurodivergent employees, organizations demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Sense supports individual well-being and productivity while fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance.

To ensure seamless integration within any office environment, Sense is designed with versatility in mind. With its sleek and modern design, Sense complements existing furniture and decor, enhancing the overall aesthetics.

Sense is a revolutionary self-contained workspace catering to the sensory processing differences of neurodivergent employees in traditional office settings. By incorporating active-noise cancellation technology, wireless remote control, customizable lighting, and ergonomic design principles, Sense provides a supportive and personalized work environment. By investing in Sense, organizations prioritize the well-being and productivity of neurodivergent employees while cultivating a culture that values inclusivity and diversity.


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