
PROJECT L.U.M.A - Light Up Mini Africa.


Oyinda Picture_cropped

My name is Oyinda Nihinlola.  I am final year student in the University of Nottingham studying Product Design and Manufacture.

Oyinda Nihinlola, BEng Product Design and Manufacture






PROJECT L.U.M.A - Light Up Mini Africa

The future of a nation, lies in the minds and the hands that will lead it, meaning to work towards a brighter future, effort must be made to equip the children and youth in the present for what is to come. One of the best ways to do this is through Education! - a child without education is like a bird without wings, so much potential, that will remain as just that if they are not given what is required and taught how to use it. I launched Project LUMA with the aim to dive into a factor that acts as hindrance to the education systems of young children, contributing to the UN’s SDG 4–  QUALITY EDUCATION FOR ALL.

Focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa as a market location, one of the greatest impediments on the educational experience of children in Africa is lack of reliable access to electricity and therefore lighting due to energy poverty. Project LUMA specifically tackles the fact that after dark, without electrification, children may struggle with homework or further studying which has an impact on their learning progression and in turn their educational experience.


 In the market currently, Kerosene lamps and candles are used as the alternative lighting solution but though very accessible and affordable, the dangerous fumes they produce and hazardous nature is unsafe, especially for children. Therefore, a final design statement was set to design an alternative lighting solution that is safe and environmentally friendly in alignment with SDG7, affordable and durable and lastly aimed for the use of children ergonomically and aesthetically.


A design process commenced with the solution product you will see in the presentation below. Presenting - VENUS – an affordable, pico-solar portable lamp created to aid children in low electrified areas continue with educational work after dark. Its name, orange-yellow appearance and circular form is inspired by the planet Venus, known to be the brightest planet in the solar system. Aligning the product to this as a concept brings it to life and gives it an attractive flair for the users(children) and as a competitor in the market.

Venus's key features range from 360 rotational ability ensuring that it is able to move to the right tilt angle for effective solar charging and additionally, in terms of lighting purposes - to move from radial to focused lighting depending on the user's preference. Next, its multiple forms of use making it highly adaptable, a very desirable feature in the chosen context. Furthermore, Made from ABS-PV a durable, UV resistant material with lightweight and quality electronic parts, it has been designed for longevity and minimised maintenance needs from the user.

In conclusion, as a new designer, I don't want to just create aesthetic and functional products, I want to design for change, for the empowerment of others, and my first step forward is with VENUS.

Every dream deserves a light and so

Every child deserves a VENUS.

Design work



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