Hi, this is Yifan Liu, a designer from China and will graduate this summer. My interest in manufacturing area of products had driven me to study product design and manufacturing in the University of Nottingham. The study career in the past two years has given me invaluable knowledge and professional training of skills in relevant area.
I have a interest in observing the problems I met in daily lives, and think if it can be solved by design. Therefore, I’m interested in the area of electronic appliances. This area requires higher level of CAD modelling and rendering of me and encourages me to hone my skills.
Currently I’m seeking for a career in designing or manufacturing area, in which I can best utilise the experience and skills I learned. I always have a dream to devote myself to manufacturing area and eager to apply my skills and continue to learn in my future careers.
Yifan Liu, BEng Product Design and Manufacture