

The idea was to design an automatic pasta maker that simplifies the entire pasta-making process, from ingredient incorporation to extrusion.


Ben McMorran

I am Ben McMorran, a fifth-year Product Design and Manufacture (PDM) student with a passion for creating innovative solutions that shape the future. I am particularly fascinated by user interaction and how design influences the way people engage with products. My academic journey and placement experiences have only fuelled my enthusiasm for design, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share my passion, and I am eager to continue learning and growing in the design industry.

I love sketching and developing ideas at the start of a project; exploring the seemingly endless possibilities through brainstorming and conceptualization really excites me. I also relish the challenge of refining the chosen idea into something tangible and manufacturable, paying attention to detail to ensure every aspect of the design is practical for production. Seeing this then captured through a KeyShot render brings a real sense of accomplishment at the end of the project, and I think it is a great way to see the design come to life.

Looking to the future, I am seeking opportunities to continue my passion for design by stepping into the industry. I am looking for a dynamic environment that values forward-thinking design and encourages continuous learning and growth. My ultimate goal is to be part of a team that creates impactful products, blending functionality with aesthetics, and making a positive difference in the world.

Ben McMorran, MEng Product Design and Manufacture 



The Dough Jo Pasta Maker


In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, many individuals, especially young professionals, seek convenient and efficient ways to prepare homemade meals. Existing pasta makers are often cumbersome, difficult to clean, and lack user-friendly interfaces. They do not adequately address the need for convenience and ease of use, making the process of making pasta from scratch daunting and time-consuming.


The idea was to design an automatic pasta maker that simplifies the entire pasta-making process, from ingredient incorporation to extrusion. The goal was to create a device that is not only efficient and easy to use but also offers an enjoyable cooking experience.

Design journey

The design journey began with extensive research into existing pasta makers and user needs. This included studying market trends, analysing user feedback, and understanding the technical challenges of pasta extrusion. Initial concepts focused on integrating a user-friendly touch screen interface, automatic weighing scales, and modular components for easy assembly and disassembly. Prototyping and testing were critical phases, allowing for iterative improvements based on real-world feedback. Key considerations included the materials used, and design of components were food-safe, durable, and easy to clean. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) were employed to optimize the design for performance and manufacturability.

DoughJo pasta maker

Design solution

The final design solution is an innovative automatic pasta maker that combines form and function seamlessly. The touch screen interface guides users through each step, from measuring ingredients with integrated scales to kneading and finally extruding the dough. The modular design allows for tool-free disassembly, making cleaning effortless, with the extrusion process powered by a high-torque, low-speed reversible motor, ensuring consistent pasta quality. Overall, this design addresses the needs of modern users by providing a convenient, efficient, and enjoyable pasta-making experience.


Design work



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